

Biennial International Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2010

First .- Object. These bases are designed to regulate BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 2010 Humorous cartoons and drawings organized by the Autonomous Agency Culture of the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Second .- Participants. Participation is free. Each participant in each event will participate with a maximum one (1) work must be unpublished and not previously submitted to this or any other tournament. The Autonomous Agency of Culture Hon. City Council Santa Cruz de Tenerife made all the efforts and actions as it deems relevant to ensuring the artists by fulfilling this obligation. In the assumption that in the exercise of these duties by the Agency audit Self-Culture is found a breach of this obligation, he shall be immediate disqualification at any stage of this competition and loss, case, the possible prize that would have been awarded. Third .- Item. Participants in the cartoons section should send a maximum of one work with a single theme. For 2010 the theme is uploaded to the Web "the influence of Internet social networks". For subsequent calls, in the case of extend these rules, the issue will be decided by resolution express Chairperson of the Independent Body Culture. The works must be original and done any painting technique. They will have a unique format of 35 x 50 cm, unframed, including its eventual "passe partout".
Fourth .- Prizes.
Personal Caricature
First prize: EUR 10000.00.
Second prize: EUR 1800.00.
Third prize: EUR 1200.00.
First prize: EUR 10000.00.
Second prize: EUR 1800.00.
Third prize: EUR 1200.00.
On the above quantities must be carried to the deductions provided by law. In both cases, the second and third prizes will be awarded by entities wish to cooperate with the competition, in which case the award shall be known by the name of the economic entity to provide it, stating so in advertising the event.
Fifth .- Registration. The works must be lodged with the Registry of Independent Body Culture, located at The Art Center Arcade, Calle Marcos Redondo 2, 38 003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, according to the following schedule:
From October to June: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 13:30.
July, August and September: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 13:00.
It also may be submitted at the offices of the bodies provided for in Article 38 of the Law 30/1992 of 26 November, on Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.
The works should be signed in place is not visible and accompanied by a closed envelope inside stating:
• The name of the author.
• artistic mode in which it participates.
• Photocopy of your National ID, passport or EU resident.
• Data updated your address, telephone number, e-mail.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• must be completed, mandatory, an official of the registration Autonomous Organisation of Culture made available to participants Single Window of the Agency, which will provide a recorded copy deposit slip.
• Affidavit on the originality of the work and which possesses all intellectual property rights over it.
• In case of any works through an art group shall include a person identified for purposes of accreditation and control, should be rewarded.
The total expenditure on packaging and shipping and return shipping will be at by the entrant. The OAC is not responsible for loss or damage that may work experience during transport. The works must be submitted in the appropriate packaging, to facilitate reuse effects of removal. The OAC will ensure the care of the works, but accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or theft, as well as any incident that may occur during exhibition. The OAC reserves the right to reject works that fail any of the above requirements and those that by their state or be deducted from its packaging clearly been inadequate.
Sixth .- Admission Deadline
The deadline for submission of works will begin the day after the publication of bases Bulletin Board in the Autonomous Organisation of Culture, giving further spread of contest on how many media choosing, and end on 29 October 2010.
Seventh .- Jury. The jury will be chaired by the Chairperson to the Autonomous Organisation of Culture, or person his deputy, two members who are professionally related to the purpose of rules. Act as Secretary, with voice but no vote, the Secretary General of OAC, or his delegate. The jury will not maintain any relationship with the participants in the contest for the duration process. The Jury's decision is final. The jury may adopt decisions for proper selection and development of decision it deems appropriate.
The award will be announced in local media, making public Also, the composition of the jury.
Eight .- Selection procedure and decision of the Jury Of all of the works received the Jury will make a selection based upon the their quality. For the award, the procedure, according to the number of participants, establishing the President of the Jury. In case of a tie there shall be another vote, since in any case the prize will be divided between two or more works shall be given entirely to a single work. The author / is whether the work / s is selected on digital media should provide the same, wave so that, at the time, you will be prompted from the Autonomous Agency of Culture.
The jury will be made public in December 2010 and will be final. The jury may award the prize.
Nine .- Property The works submitted and not selected must be withdrawn by holders thereof within fifteen calendar days from the issuance of the verdict, which was published in the Bulletin Board Registry Offices Autonomous Organisation of Culture. The selected works and not awarded shall be removed within fifteen days since the end of the exhibition, which will be communicated in due course. In both cases will be necessary to present the receipt of the relevant Application Form. The non-removal of the works within the time above assumes that the Autonomous Agency Culture decline any responsibility on them, acting in the manner considered appropriate. The winning works will become property of the Autonomous Organism Culture Also includes all of the rights to their use, reproduction and display in any medium, with the exception of moral rights under legally.
Tenth .- Final Rule. Entry in the competition implies full and unreserved acceptance of these rules. The Autonomous Agency of Culture Hon. City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, If in doubt reserves the right to interpret these rules and modify for reasons of public interest.
(Translation by Google)
Mr. / Mrs. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …., with ID … … … … … … … … …, residing at … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …, phone: … … … … … … … … … … … … States that having presented at Biennial Exhibition International Cartoon and Humorous Drawing 2010 work titled … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …, Under the slogan … … … … … … … … … … …, Hereby GRANT the Autonomous Agency of Culture to open the envelope in which are my personal data effects:
- Communication should be selected to determine the exposure the basis of this Biennial.
- Repayment of the / s work / s on the assumption that appropriate, pursuant down bases of this Biennial.
- Provide information to the press about my curriculum vitae for the purpose of its dissemination in media that seem appropriate in case of being the work or works awards. The Independent Body Culture treat the personal information of stakeholders, which access to comply with the provisions of this Annex, in accordance with what established by Law 15/1999 of 13 December data protection personal In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, … … … … … … … … … … … … … of … … … … … … … … … 2010.

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