

International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption”

International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption” 2010 - Russia
Dear visitors,
Interregional public organization for assistance and protection of human rights “Spravedlivost” and editorial staff of the portal “” invite you to the International cartoon contest on the subject “Uniformal corruption”.
We suggest you to express your attitude to corrupt policemen and prosecutors, bribe takers judges and customs officers and others public officers, who parasitize at the expense of government. We focus our attention on those who tainted the honour of regiment, uniform and gown for their own benefit. Those who earn their living taking kickbacks, who turn supervised branches into the family business.
1. The competition is open to all interested, professionals or amateurs without any age limit.
2. Cartoons number unlimited, free technique.
3. A4 size at 300 dpi in JPEG or the printed copy with “wet signature” of the author.
4. It doesn’t matter if works were awarded, exhibited or published before.
5. On the reverse side you must specify your name and surname, postal address and e-mail.
6. Postal address - 127006, Moscow, st. Dolgorukovskaya, d. 38, str. 2., The office of the "Kollegiya advokatov "Zakon i Chelovek", Russia
Please mark the envelope: "MOO "Justice" contest".
7. E-mail box: ,
The work is considered to be accepted after receiving corresponding notification by organizers.
8. Deadline for receipt of works - 1 August 2010.
9. Awards:
1st place – 30 000 Russian rubles
2nd place - 15 000 Russian rubles
3rd place – 10 000 Russian rubles
- Audience Award (from 100 best chosen works) by Internet voting
- 10 Diplomas of Honour
10. Jury:
The President of Jury – Mikhail Zlatokovskii, a member of the Artist and Journalist’s Union of USSR and Russian Federation, a member of the French Academy of humoristic arts, the Academy of Authorities (Saint-Petersburg) and the International Academy of Pedagogy, winner of multiple international cartoon contests, Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour.
Jury members:
- Sergey Tunin, an artist-cartoonist, winner of scores international cartoon contests. Among awards – “Gold Aesop” in Bulgaria, “Gold Date” and “Gold Andrey” in Italy, “Gold Ostap” in St-Petersburg.
- Andrey Stolbunov, a lawyer, Chairman of Board of Directors of IPO «Spravedlivost»
- Dmitriy Baranovskiy, first deputy Director General of OJSC «RATEP». Deputy Chairman of IPO «Spravedlivost»
11. As a result will be chosen 100 best works that will participate in the exhibition in Moscow and will be included in the catalogue.
12. The participation in the contest means the agreement of the author with all conditions including an agreement on gratuitous publishing of works in any form.
13. Sent works will not be returned to the authors.
Sources: cartoonblues ; .

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