

Jaka bede 2011: International competition on drawing

International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede ...2011"
The topic of the competition is a woman in the satirical presentation, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman... Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her...
In the competition will take part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in categories: DRAWING.
2. Format of work - max A3, amount of work - up to 1 works.
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later than 25.02.2011 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyskowul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1, 11-400 Ketrzyn, Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author's agreement for the regulations of the competition.
10. They can participate in the competition above the person 16 of year of the life.
1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Krzysztof Toboła (2002), Dorota Chwałek (2003), Andreas Malecki - Niemcy (2003), Daniel Strzelczyk (2005), Sławomir Łuczyński (2006), Bretislav Kovarik - Czechy (2005, 2006), Anna Sokolska (2005, 2006), Stanislav Aszmarin - Rosja (2005), Małgorzata Gnyś - Polska (1998, 2007), Dariusz Wójcik - Polska (2002, 2007), Valentin Georgiev - Bułgaria ( 2009), Oleksi Kustovskiy - Ukraina (2009), Mirosław Krzyków - (organizator).
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Jaka bede..." or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.
Privileges of the entrants:
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 12 March 2011 r.
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact:

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