

II Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Portugal

Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (
1) The contest is open to all caricaturists / cartoonists, all graphic artists with humor, professional and amateur.
2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Theatre (Theatre Drama, Musical, Caricatures of the theater ...)
3) Deadline: May 1, 2010.
Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2, 3 or 4 color) format not exceeding A4, open to all techniques and styles (the work done the computer, beyond their transmission in electronic form - CD or floppy disk 300 dpis Jpeg - must also have an A4 print, hand signed and numbered 1/1) as a caricature, cartoon, design humor, strip, plank bd (a story board only) ... identified and they should come on the back with name and address, e-mail, telephone and Nº taxpayer. The works must be accompanied by a brief curriculum.
4) The work will be judged by a jury consisting of: a representative of the Board City Hall, a representative of the Parish of Cord; representatives of a family Oliveira Guimarães, the Artistic Director of the Biennale, a representative of the sponsors, and two guest artists, and awarded the following awards:
1st prize - € 2.000,00
2nd prize - € 1.500,00
3rd prize - € 1.000,00.
5) The Jury has the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality
6) The organization shall inform all the artists by e-mail have been selected, and what the artists awarded.
7) Will be published book, as well as postcards
8) The winning works are automatically acquired by the organization. All others will be returned after the exhibition, with its catalog at the end of 2010.
9) Reproduction rights are owned by the organization as soon as it is to promote this Hall, and occasionally discussed with the authors, for other uses.
10) Entries must be submitted by May 1, 2010 for II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal.
11) For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (
12) The Second Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, will take place from June 5 to July 30 with extension to Lisbon in September.

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