

4th International Zagreb Exhibition of CARicature 2010

4th International Zagreb Exhibition of Car Caricature 2010 - Croatia
Honored Caricaturists (and all those who want to become one)
This year 4th International Zagreb car caricature exhibition 2010 marks the 112th anniversary of the car`s first appearance in Croatia. The car was driven by Count Marko Bombelles to his home in Vinica near Varaždin. Since those early days, in all its guises, the car has become an essential part of everyday life. “His Majesty”, the car, has become so necessary for work and play that it is difficult to imagine any activity which does not involve the use of an automobile. From basic functions such as travelling to and from work, to every other type of economic, sport, cultural, political, recreational, tourist, health, military, police or “romantic” pursuit. It is omnipresent, ever desirable and IRREPLACEABLE! Life without a car is unimaginable. We ask ourselves how did we manage to live without the car for thousands of years.
With message and slogan of this years exhibition: ”WITH CAR INSPECTION YOU CONTRIBUTE IN PRESERVATION OF OUR ECOLOGY”.
So our focus this year as well as a theme is going to be
With this theme we want to interest authors from around the world to warn public of a need to preserve nature.
This is a fantastic opportunity for caricaturists from all around the world to “speak up” through their drawings and show advantages and disadvantages of their majesty – the Car.
The main sponsors for this year 4th International Zagreb Car Caricature Exhibition are the City Government. They will be presenting the Grand Prix prize. Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) – Zagreb Branch will be awarding the First Place Prize. There will be two more prizes (special acknowledgement) and 7 special recognitions. The other sponsors will be revealed on the opening day.
This exhibition provides Zagreb and Croatia with an annual cultural and artistic show which is rapidly attracting international followers - with a theme instantly recognizable by all – cars in our daily work and life.
Opening of 4th exhibition will take place in Zagreb in a lobby of City Government as a part of World Environment Day celebration. Please send your caricatures and application forms to the following address:
Huna d.o.o, SREBRNJAK 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
To be submitted by 23rd of April 2010.
We are looking forward to receiving your entry and meeting you at the exhibition. Thank you for your participation and cooperation. We hope your caricature will be selected for the exhibition and the catalogue!
Full details, terms and conditions and application forms are available on the organi zer’s web page, and in co-operation with the Croatian Caricature Association, at
Contact information:
Phone: 385(1)2430 302, Fax: 385(1)2430 217, e-mail:
Ivan Palatinuš (English, German, Spanish)
Kind regards
Ivica Palatinuš
For HUNA d.o.o.
Zagreb, 12th of February 2010.
Propositions / Terms of participation
1. All caricaturists (and those wishing to be one) on the planet Earth have the right to participate.
2. Each participant may submit maximum of two (2) caricatures.
3. All caricatures must be made on either A4 or A5 paper size (but not smaller than A5 or bigger than A3).
4. Caricatures must be submitted on paper as originals. If a caricature was made on a computer it has be signed by the author. Photocopies and other forms of duplication will not be accepted.
5. Selection of caricatures that will be part of the exhibition will be done by officials appointed by the Organizer, Huna d.o.o. Zagreb. The following awards will be presented:
GRAND PRIX 4000 E or 30,000 Kn
1st PRIZE 1000 € or 7,500 Kn
2nd PRIZE 800 € or 5,500 Kn
3rd PRIZE 500 € or 3,500 Kn
2 special acknowledgements 300 € or 2.200 Kn
In addition to monetary prizes, each winner will receive a certificate.
Five (5) special recognitions without the money prize but with a certificate.
Jury can decide to give more recognitions, but not more than 10 recognitions.
6. Each participant in the exhibition will be represented in the exhibition catalogue with one caricature selected by the Organizers.
7. Every artist whose work is exhibited is entitled to a free copy of the exhibition catalogue.
8. The subject matter of the exhibition is: Our everyday car – CAR INSPECTION and CAR VALIDATION CHECK
9. Prizes will be awarded by a committee of at least seven people, of whom five will be sponsor representatives and two will be experts appointed the Organizer.
10. Caricatures which are awarded prizes become the property of the sponsor awarding the prize to the artist or remain the property of the Organizers.
11. Caricatures which are not awarded any prizes will become the property of the Organizer. At the explicit request of the artist caricatures can be returned (shipping cost is paid by the author of the requested caricature). Also caricatures may be collected in person from Huna d.o.o. 30 days after the exhibition.
12. All artists give the right to the Organizer to use, publish and exhibit caricatures, without compensation or payment, for the promotion of future exhibitions and projects.
13. The Organizer reserves the right to utilize caricatures with third-parties to promote the artist and the exhibition.
14. By submitting caricatures to the 4th International Car Caricature Exhibition Zagreb 2010 the artist automatically agrees and accepts the terms of participation.
15. All caricatures that will be submitted by 23th of April 2010 will be accepted for inclusion on the exhibition. You may send your work to the following address:
HUNA d.o.o. Srebrnjak 55, 10 000 Zagreb - Croatia
The exhibition will take place in the lobby of the Zagreb City Government on start of june 2010 in cause of World Environment Day.
Zagreb 16th February 2010.

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