

18th International Exhibition of Design for Printing Porto Alegre 2010

18 ° International Exhibition of Design for Printing: Edition 2010
This Regulation aims to select artists for the 18th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION DESIGN PRESS taking place from March 25 to 09 May 2010 in the Gallery of the Arches in Usina do, to stimulate and disseminate a comprehensive manner, the graphic applied to press, and give awards to each of the categories described below.
Entries can be made from 05 February to March 5, 2010, at
Av Presidente João Goulart, 551, Room 603 - Sector Shows and Exhibitions, CEP 90010-120 - Porto Alegre / RS BRAZIL, Monday through Friday, 10 to 12pm and from 14 to 17h, or via e-mail
For works sent by mail and via e-mail, the last days of receipt will also be on 05 March, according to the date of the postmark on the envelope and date of sending the email.
Will not be accepted or awarded in selected issues of this Hall
Artists honored at previous salons can not enroll in the same category.
The competition is aimed at professionals and amateurs, in terms Cartoon, Charge, Caricature, Comics and Editorial Illustration (for newspaper, magazine, book, album cover, poster, etc.)..
Entries in Editorial Illustration mode should have actually been published between March 2009 and January 2010, and must be accompanied from the original publication, with date and name of the journal identifiable.
Participants can compete with up to 05 (five) distributed in any work of 05 (five) categories.
As this is a Hall of graphic arts, will also be considered as original works printed by computer printers or other means of reproduction of images, provided with good quality. However, it is up to the participants to send their documents.
The entries must have a maximum size of 42 cm x 29.7 cm (A3).
Entries in the mode Comics can have up to four (04) pages up to 42 cm x 29.7 cm (A3).
The work should be wrapped in opaque paper and sturdy. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the work that arrives damaged and / or unidentified. Participants should strictly observe the following instructions:
- Send, with the work, the application form accompanying this regulation, with all items completed legibly.
- All papers, documents or not, should be properly identified on the back with author's full name, type of registration, title, category they are applying and editing of the hall that is participating. For Editorial Illustration, should also inform the publication of full details (name, date, page). Papers submitted electronically should include this information in the nomination file.
Failure to comply with these instructions shall result in summary disqualification of the work.
The city of Porto Alegre designate, by Order published in the Official Gazette of Porto Alegre - DOPA, a selection committee and another Award, formed by cartoonists, journalists, graphic designers, artists and representatives of the Municipal Bureau of Culture.
The Selection Committee will be the main criteria includes creativity, originality and artistic quality of the designs and select obeying the following purposes:
- All works selected will participate in the exhibition hall of the Manor Vasco Prado at Usina do, Pres. João Goulart, 551, Porto Alegre / RS, 25 March to 11 May 2010.
The list of selected papers will be available from March 19, 2010, at site Relation of winners will be announced at the opening ceremony of the Show.
The list of selected and awarded shall be published in DOPA (Official Gazette of Porto Alegre).
The decision of the Jury that cripple the papers presented, on grounds of non-submission of required documents or made in breach of the required administrative appeal may be filed in the Department of Fine Arts within 05 (five) days from the date of publication result.
The appeal will be heard no later than 05 (five) days.
Be assigned one (01) prize acquisition, valued at $ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais) to each of 5 categories: Cartoon, Charge, Comics, Cartoon and Illustration Editorial. The criteria will again be guiding the creativity, originality and artistic quality of the drawings. May be awarded Honorable Mentions at the discretion of the Award Committee.
The awarded works will become part of the Municipal Art Collection.
Prizes not claimed within 90 (ninety) days from the publication of the result, will expire.
Work not selected will be returned on 29 March to 09 April 2010, at the same place and time of registration. From this date we are not responsible for the work not removed.
Selected works may be used by the Municipality of Porto Alegre for the purpose of advertising the event, free of charge.
Entry in this competition implies full acceptance of the terms of this regulation.
The cases shall be resolved by the Organizing Committee, subject to the Law 8666/93.
Committees of Selection and Awards will be sovereign in its decisions.
According to Law 8666/93, Art.9 of the members of Committee of Selection and Awards, and the servers of the Municipality of Porto Alegre, may not participate in this contest.
The cost of the prizes of this contest will run for the budget allocation 1003.2481.339031
The awards will be paid after the publication of the results and the expiry appellate.
The cases shall be resolved by the organizing committee.
INFORMATION may be obtained from the Municipal Department of Culture Phone (0XX 51) 32898127 or (0XX 51) 3289 8126 Sector Trade Fair and Exhibition and email:
Rules and Registration Form on the blog and the website:
Registration: February 05 to 05 March
Jury selection: 09 and March 10
Jury Award: March 12
Opening of the Hall and disclosure of awards: March 25
Visitation: March 26 to May 11.
(Translation: GOOGLE)

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