

The International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon “OPERA & BALLET”

Association of Polish Cartoonists and Opera Foundation, in cooperation with Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, invites you to participation in The International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon “OPERA & BALLET”.
Final Regulation of the Competition
Participation condition: All professional cartoonists.
Subject: Opera and ballet (history, present time, famous artists, famous works, etc.)
Technical conditions:
Works must be orginals; any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork if the prints are signed and if they are Print Number One. Prints digital artworks must be min. 300 dpi TIFF. Copies will be not accepted.
Number of caricatures or cartoons: Maximum 5.
Size / File format: Min 210 X 297 mm (DIN A 4) - Max 297 X 420 mm (DIN A 3).
The works should present on the reverse the following informations: author`s name and surname, post address, phone, mailing address, title of work.
The author's CV, in English or Polish, should also be sent.
Deadline for works reception: 30.03.2010
Address: The works should be sent to:
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury, ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warszawa, Poland, with note: “OPERA & BALLET”
Prizes and jury: The winners will be awarded the following prizes:
I - 1250 EURO
II - 1000 EURO
III - 750 EURO
and other mentions.
All awarded and mentioned works will stay property of organizers competition. Jury will select works to the exhibition. Jury will examine all works send to the Competition, without eliminate works previously published, exhibited and awarded on other competitions.
Exhibition: Exhibition will be opening in Polish National Opera House in Warsaw, in May 2010. After the exhibition in Warsaw will be other exhibition in Poland and other country and the works will be returned to their authors by end of 2011.
Catalogue: All the artists whose are selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
Final Provision: Organizers reserve for themselves right to use selected to the exhibition works for promotion subject “Opera & Ballet” on poster, catalogue or other materials connected with Competition. Beyond promotion of Competition authors keep all their authors rights (copyrights).
Any questions about this competition may be sent to organizers:
Superintendent - Jacek Frankowski:
Artdirector - Witold Mysyrowicz: .

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