

International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers’ rights

International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers’ rights, a critical look through a humoristic Line!
At a moment like this, in which, with the excuse of the actual economic crisis, the exploitation and the assault to the rights of the workers, in order to pursue with the accumulation of scandalous profits by economic groups, the Portuguese Communist Party challenged Humorgrafe to collaborate in some journeys of reflection with the participation of cartoonists from all around the world and from different political and ideological choices to, from their own philosophical and humoristic thoughts, contribute to this initiative - Exploitation and workers’ rights through a humoristic line, with their artistic works about the important questions that at this moment, affect millions of Portuguese and worldwide workers: the unemployment, the low wages and the precarious job.
a) The P C P, in collaboration with Humorgrafe prepares a journey of enlightenment about the rights of workers. The struggle for the dignity of labour, the exploitation of millions of human beings and the outrageous profits of big business, increasing unemployment and social trail of destruction, the struggle of workers as a factor of rupture and change the life of the population, are elements compelling when we look at the world in which we live. We invite cartoonists from around the world to meditate on various topics within this area include: job insecurity as a factor in the return to a past without rights, low wages versus paying a fortune for managers and scandalous profits, unemployment and its trail of poverty, destruction wealth and productive capacity.
b) Each artist can participate up to 4 entries, in black and white (one colour) sent by e-mail (300 dpis - jpeg) to . Sending work to the exhibition requires the waiver of copyright for publications (with no lucrative aims) of these journeys.
c) The deadline is February 26th 2010, and the exhibition opened next March 18th, in Lisbon. Eventually the exhibition will be displayed in other locations.
d) The work will be selected by jury for the exhibition catalogue and other publications involved in this event - Exploration and workers' rights by the stroke of humor. The campaign held it during the years 2010 / 2011. Selected works may be used by prosecutors in this period of this initiative. All artists will be notified and will receive two copies of all publications (on paper) where they used their work.
e) It is a project with the organization of the Portuguese Communist Party, Humorgrafe production, and as artistic director Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa.

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