

Ken Sprague Fund International Political Cartoon Competition 2010

Ken Sprague Fund International Political Cartoon Competition 2010
Themes: Money Makes the World Go Round - globalisation, financial meltdown, fair-trade and economic justice.
The competition is open to cartoonists from all nations.
A first prize of £700, a second prize of £500 and a third prize of £300 as well as an "emerging artist's prize" of £150 (for 16-22 year-olds) will be awarded for cartoons which, in the opinion of the judges, best express the above theme. The judges' decision will be final. The jury, made up of leading cartoonists and well-known personalities, will be looking for clarity of message, cartooning skill and satirical humour.
In the first instance, the cartoon may be submitted in any form (originals, faxes, photocopies or electronically in at least 300 dpi resolution), although an original would be preferred. Those artists whose cartoons are shortlisted for exhibition and a prize will be notified by the organisers, after which they must submit the original.
Cartoons with text and/or captions not in English should (if possible) be accompanied by a translation. It would also be useful to have some idea of the situation being addressed by the cartoon if it refers to a specific social or political event/situation which may not be universally understood.
Each entry must be signed by the artist and accompanied by an address and contact details.
Entries to reach the organisers by May 1st 2010.
The results of the competition will be announced on June 1st 2010.
An exhibition of the best of the submissions will be organised in London and at the Appledore Visual Arts Festival and the prize-winning cartoons will be published in the Morning Star newspaper and other interested journals.
Unless the submitting cartoonist stipulates otherwise, the original cartoons and/or prints of the cartoons, after publication/exhibition, will be offered for sale. Any proceeds, less a small commission and transfer fees, will be paid to the originating artist.
The organisers retain the right to publish or exhibit any of the cartoons submitted, but undertake to give due credit to the artists and ensure they receive any royalties/payments that may accrue as a result.
The first ten cartoons will be displayed on our website at: for a period of 12 months and later will become part of the page's competition archive, accessible to visitors.
Artists submitting cartoons will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.
Sponsored by the Ken Sprague Fund together with the Appledore Visual Arts Festival and the Morning Star.
Address to send submissions: Ken Sprague Fund Cartoon Competition, 11 Dorset Road, Ealing, London W5 4HU, United Kingdom.
Sources: tabrizcartoons ; syriacartoon ; fecocartoon .

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