

Theme in the 5th International Award of humor and satire Costume: The World Cup

5th Edition International Award of humor and satire Costume - Italy
Directors Alfio Krancic and Claudio Bertieri announce the 5th edition of the International Prize of Humor and Satire of Costume "Giuseppe Novello: a gentleman of good family ", promoted by the Province of Lodi and the City of Codogno with support of public and private.
Participation is open to professional and amateur graphic artists, who may participate by sending unpublished drawings accompanied by the registration form. Are considered the unpublished work on any kind of periodical or exhibited in other exhibitions.
How to participate
Each artist will be allowed to participate with a maximum of three (3) works on the theme "The World Cup".
The work(s), accompanied by the complete Registration Form must be sent by the date of 11 January 2010 to:
Segreteria della 5a Edizione del “Premio Novello" presso l'Ufficio Cultura del Comune di Codogno - Via Vittorio Emanuele 4 - 26845 CODOGNO (Lodi), Italia.
Entries may also be sent in electronic format to
No other forms of presentation.
Not be accepted works that are received with an incomplete registration form so that makes it impossible to pinpoint the author, or unsigned. Work must correspond to the founding spirit of the Prize, which consists of mood and satire of manners. Not will be accepted works of political satire or designs that can strike the common sense of modesty.
May participate in the competition the following types of works: pencil drawings - China ink - watercolor - colored ink - markers or pennafeltri.
The work should be: a) unpublished b) free frame; c) to A4 (21 x 29.7 cm); d) a free choice, in black and white or color and can either contain text or not.
In the case of comics pages will be a maximum of three conform to standard sizes, and be numbered.
The works received will be judged by a jury made up of cartoonists, journalists, personalities from the entertainment world and culture. The best will be exhibited in the Exhibition International Award for Humor and Satire of Costume which opens Saturday, February 6, 2010 the premises of the historical building called "Vecchio Ospedale Soave" in Codogno, Via Gandolfi 6.
The winners will have the following prizes:
1) Novello Award - I st place € 1500.00
2) II nd place € 1000.00
3) III rd place € 500.00.
The works received will not be returned but will become part of the competition archive. They will then be kept by the Culture of the Municipality of Codogno. All entries may be used for promotional purposes of the Award itself or of cultural activities Comune di Codogno in every public and private media: magazines, newspapers, books, web, etc. in Italy or abroad. Therefore, with the participation the authors consent to the reproduction of their works provided it did not work for profit.
More info at & .
(This post updated on Jan 02, 2010 due to the updating in the competition website).

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