

International Manmohan Singh - Sonia Gandhi Caricature Contest 2009

International Manmohan Singh - Sonia Gandhi Caricature Contest - India
Indian Institute of Cartoonists announces its first National & International "Manmohan Singh - Sonia Gandhi Caricature Contest". The Contest is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists. Participants can send maximum two caricatures of Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi.
Each entry should include a covering letter with the cartoonists' full name, postal address, contact numbers and Email ID.
By entering the contest, the cartoonist represents and warrants that the work is an originalwork of authorship of the cartoonist and does not infringe that rights of any third parties.
Further, the cartoonist provides Indian Institute of Cartoonsists a limited royalty-free right and license to publish and publicly display the entries (whether or not winning a prize) for non-commercial purposes such as for publicising the contest.
Entries may not be returned to the entrants and may be archived by Indian Institute of Cartoonists for records purposes. A jury of eminent personalities of the country will evaluate the entries for the prizes and the decision of the jury is FINAL.
Participants sending their entries by Email should note the following techninal details:
Size: 800 x 1100 Pixels, 300 dpi resolusion
Image & Format: JPEG, TIFF or Bitmap Color System: RGB
Deadline: November 15, 2009
1st Prize: Rs. 100,000 / each theme
2nd Prize: Rs. 50,000 / each theme
3rd Prize: Rs. 10,000 / each theme.
All entries should be sent to:
Indian Institute of Cartoonists, No.1 Midford House, Midford garden, Off M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560 001 Karnataka, India.
Source: syriacartoon

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