

Prize-giving ceremony of the 11th Debut cartoon contest "Wine" 2009

Photo from ceremonial 11. Debut cartoons contest "Wine" 2009 Zielona Gora (Poland) - (26. 9. 2009)

Grand Prize winner Bretislav Kovarik fom Czech rep. (left) & Organisator Ryszard Blazynski (Poland).

The trophies.

Photo: GAGfoto
(This report from: Ivan Hanousek)


EL BUS de Lenguaviva No. 43

EL BUS de Lenguaviva
Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija
No. 43, 28 septiembre 2009
¡Hola fans!

Hello fans!
EL BUS No. 43 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal.
EL BUS No. 43 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour.
Pronto daremos a conocer todo lo relativo a BOSTOONS 2010. Estén atentos.
We will soon release all about BOSTOONS 2010. Be on the alert.
Kemchs todavía está recibiendo colaboraciones para su libro sobre el agua, así que si tienen algún carton al respecto pueden enviárselo a
Kemchs is still receiving collaborations for his book on water, so if you guys have cartoons on the topic, please send them to
Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:
Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.
Les deseamos una semana muy feliz,
Have a great week,
Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers.
This message from: Mario Barros


49th Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2010 - Belgium

Correct regulations of 49. Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2010
All persons 18 years of age and older are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants declare to agree to the terms and conditions of the regulations, and the decisions of the juries. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies. Participation is free of charge.
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This includes a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation or simply an image of a funny situation. The cartoon can consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. The cartoon can be static (drawn) or moving (animated using a computer).
a. Drawn cartoons: maximum 5 submissions.
What? black/white or colour. The cartoons may not contain text. Drawings may also be made digitally and submitted on CD-ROM. They may not have been exhibited in Belgium or awarded in other countries. They must be packaged flat and not folded.
How? Dimensions (min. 21 x 30 cm) or (max. 30 x 42 cm). If submissions are sent on a CD-ROM, the cartoon must be no larger than A4 format, in TIFF format with a resolution of 300 DPI. Works under glass, framed or other materials are unacceptable.
b. Animated, moving cartoons: maximum 3 animated cartoons, with a maximum length of 3 minutes per animated cartoon.
How? These animations must be sent on a DVD (PAL format). We can accept no submissions via URL (YouTube, MySpace, Google Video or Quicktime uploads), No demo versions, but the complete cartoon must be submitted. The works must be in Dutch or English, or subtitled in one of these languages.
c. The sender remains responsible for the originality of his or her work. Discussions and possible claims concerning all forms of plagiarism and the like are for the expense of the sender.
Participation is valid only if your date of birth has been filled in and the form has been signed. The back of each cartoon must indicate: last name, first name.
Submission is at the expense of the participants.
By participating, participants grant the organising body the right to use their submissions as advertising for the "International Cartoon Festival" and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist, (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or photo festival organisation, calendar).
An international jury will make a selection from the entries for the exhibition, and will select the prize winners.
All participants may visit the exhibition free of charge upon presentation of their proof of participation.
All submitted works become the property of the organising body.
In collaboration with "Davidsfonds" Leuven, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
EXHIBITION: 27.06 - 26.09.2010
OPENING: 26 June 2010
DEADLINE: 30.01.2010 (By checking the festival website where the regulation 2010 is published now and the short correspondence I had with the organizers today, I am sorry to tell that the deadline is already over for it was JANUARY 12, not the end of the month as my source indicates. Well, I would not post my cartoons for this year's edition it seems and I say that it will be the best way to send work for this legendary competition in the month of December, never later! 21.01.2010).
1 Golden Hat - 3.500 Euro + *
2 Silver Hat - 2.000 Euro + *
3 Bronze Hat - 1.250 Euro + *
4 Knack Cartoon Award - 500 Euro
5 Publics Prize - 2010 - 500 Euro
* + Flight and hotel accommodations in Knokke-Heist for opening weekend
Meerlaan 32, B-8300 Knokke-Heist BELGIUM

Tel: 00-32-50-630.430 Fax: 00-32-50-630.429
Source: tabrizcartoons


The UN Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award 2009

The prizes are to be announced during the month of December 2009, and will be granted at The United Nations, New York. Thirteen (13) prizes will be granted in the presence of the Secretary General of the U.N., the Honorable Ban Ki-moon:
First prize, of $10,000.00 and a plaque
Second prize, of $5,000.00 and a plaque
Third prize, of $3,000.00 and a plaque
Ten (10) honorable mentions, in the form of plaques.
Rules for Exhibits:
1. Entries must be submitted in writing and addressed to
Trump Tower, 721 Fifth Ave, Suites 59H & 60H, New York, NY 10022
(no phone or fax calls, please). Entries for awards must be received on or before November 12, 2009, to cover work done in the year 2008/9, reflecting the importance of human dignity, mutual respect and friendship among nations, as well as economic consideration and environmental responsibilities towards each other. While cartoonists may send in what ever they please, the contest does not encourage maligning member nations or their leaders.
Winning cartoons will be chosen for their ability to enhance, explain and even help direct the spirit and principles of the U.N.
2. Entries for these awards may be made by any professional individual, and should consist of political cartoons printed in any publication published anywhere, in any language. The entry must consist of a reproduction (only reproductions will be accepted!) of the cartoons, as published, with name of publication, language, and date included, accompanied by a newspaper reprint, and translated into English. Exhibits are limited to two cartoons per person. Reproductions must be presented measuring no larger than 9 x 12 inches.
Every entry should conform to the stated limits and size before it can be given jury consideration. All exhibits should include a biography and picture of entrant, and be in English.
3. All materials including prize-winning exhibits become the property of THE UNITED NATIONS RANAN LURIE POLITICAL CARTOON AWARD COMMITTEE and will not be returned. Only copies (not originals!) will be accepted for consideration. All material may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to inclusion in a special United Nations albums and exhibits. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.


International Cartoon Biennial of Earthquake & Strengthening - Iran

International Cartoon Biennial of Earthquake & Strengthening
Khaneh Omran Engineering Educational Institute proudly announces the International Cartoon Biennial of Earthquake and Strengthening to be held in Mashhad, Iran on December 12-16, 2009, a memorial to Bam Earthquake Disaster. The Cartoon Biennial will carry on the successful tradition of the previous seminars held at Khaneh Omran Institute. The aim of this biennial is to promote the culture of earthquake strengthening of constructions and to initiate a move toward public educational programs.
Hence, the International Cartoon Biennial organizing committee invites cartoonists from all over the world to participate in this contest.
Designing Earthquake Resistant Buildings
Earthquake Strengthening of Existing Buildings
Repairing and Renovation of Buildings after the Earthquake
Prevention of unmethodical construction
1- The contest is open to all cartoonists.
2- The Cartoon Biennial will be run in two professional and student sections. The professional works will be judged in the main section and the student works in peripheral section.
3- A maximum of 5 works can be submitted by the participating cartoonists.
4- The works should have been awarded in no other previous cartoon contests or festivals.
5- It is essential for the participants to send their personal information (including first name, last name, postal address, phone number, e-mail, photo, a short biography) with their work(s).
6- All the cartoonists whom their cartoons are displayed in the exhibition will receive a free copy of biennial catalogue.
7- The digital file of the artwork should be in JPG format, in 1200 pixel size (length or width) and with 150 dpi resolution.
8- The file(s) should be sent to or
9- The choice of technique is free.
10- The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them in any form.
Important dates:
Deadline: November 30, 2009
The international jury: December 9-10, 2009
Results: December 13, 2009
Exhibition: December 12-16, 2009
First Prize: 1000$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 750$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention
Third Prize: 500$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention.
The jury panel of the Cartoon Biennial will also award 7 selected artists with Honorable Mentions.
In the Peripheral (student) Section, the jury panel will award 3 selected artists with Trophy and Honorable Mentions.
Source: tabrizcartoons


Winners and the selected artists in Cartoonale Brugge 2009

Results Cartoonale Brugge 2009 with theme "Crisis"
On September 19, 2009 the ceremony took place in Bruges Cartoonale.

Pol Leurs from Luxembourg captured the first prize of 1000 Euros.

The second prize (500 euros) went to Lise Vanlerberghe

and the third prize (250 euros) to O-Sekoer, two Belgian participants.
The virtual catalog can be viewed online.
A selection of forty-nine cartoons by the authors:
Ali Divandari (Iran), Descheemaeker Luc (Belgium), Basol Erdogan (Turkey), Aristides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero (Cuba), Ruhi Bulduk (Turkey), Recep Bayramoglu (Turkey), Jan Dufour (Belgium), Ziaei Zardkhashoei Masoud (Iran), Bambang Sulistyo (Indonesia), Vernimmen Luc (Belgium), RS Urbinskii (Russia), Mirzoyev Elman (Azerbaijan), Jeroen Joosten Cunera Denters (Netherlands), Darko Drljevic (Montenegro), Angel Boligan (Mexico), Jacques Debroux (Belgium), Marco Van Zon (Belgium), Hicabi Demirci (Turkey), Sluka Gatis (Latvia), Toso Borkovic (Serbia), Dirk De Graef (Belgium), Stefan Sierhej (USA), Ernest Metz (Belgium), Lise Vanlerberghe (Belgium), Kenneth Cools (Belgium), Curd Wuestenberg (Belgium), Pawel Kuczynski (Poland), Zhong Guo (China), Jessica Degelaen (Belgium), Karel Lambert (Belgium), Norbert Van Yperzeele (Belgium), Danny De Haes (Belgium), Goutsol Oleg (Ukraine), Tim Boers (Belgium), Pavel Constantin (Romania), Oktay Bingol (Turkey), Mario De Koninck (Belgium), Ben Gijsemans (Belgium), Gdowski Wojciech (Poland), Veselin Damyanov-Ves (Bulgaria), Pol Leurs (Luxembourg) , Felipe Galindo (USA), Stefaan Provijn (Belgium) and Jovan Prokopljevic (Yugoslavia)
can be seen from September 19 to October 14, 2009 in the Hall of Culture and is open free daily from 10 to 17 hours.

Results UMO International Cartoon Contest 2009

UMO announces the winners of 5th annual competitions. It has been a difficult task for the judges to select the winners among the best entries of 834 cartoons and 640 bad designs received across 53 countries. The results are as follows:
UMO International Cartoon Contest '09 Winners:
First Prize
: INR 25,000/-

Ali Aghaey – Iran.

Second Prizes: INR 10,000/-

Oguz Gurel - Turkey;
Maciej - Poland.

Third Prizes: INR 5,000/-
Gai Yu - China;

Oktay Bingöl - Turkey;
Ramiro Zardoya Sánchez - Cuba.

Special Mentions

Bekti Widi Gunawan - Indonesia;

Ed Marcos Sarro - Brazil;
Fan Jun - China;
Fredy Martinez Hernandez Villamil - Cuba;
S Jaiganesh - India.

Atul Sultane, IIT Kanpur
Alap Shah, VNIT Nagpur
Atul Sultane, IIT Kanpur
Komal Mangu, Architect, Hyderabad
Sadia Fatima, SPA JNFAU
Shamit Shrivastav, Pune
Swathik Addala, Secunderabad
Hari Haran and Rahul Tirpude, India
A Sri Bhavya, CSIIT Hyderabad
Silpa Prasad, Civil Engineer, Hyderabad.


UMO Bad Design Expo 2009 & 5th UMO International Cartoon Expo

Invitation to UMO: Bad Design Expo'09
UsabilityMatters.Org is organizing an International exhibition - UMO: Bad Design Expo'09 and 5th UMO - International Cartoon Expo.
The inaugural event was at State Gallery of Art, Madhapur, Hyderabad on 17th of September at 4.00 pm. The guests of honor Mr. Ramam Atmakuri, VP and Head Invensys and Mr. Ramesh Loganathan, MD and Head of Progress gave an auspicious start to the occasion.
Bad design and Cartoon contest entries from over 53 countries are on display from 17th to 22th September, 2009.
Results will be announced on Sunday the 20th of September with public voting taken into consideration.
The sponsors of this international event are loop11, Progress, Cog-Sci lab IIITH, Surecare, uiser, Dr.Santh's and Krishna Speciality Chemicals.


On-line voting for the 11th PortoCartoon-World Festival

Dear Cartoonist, Dear Friend,
We are very pleased to inform you that is open the on-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2009.
The public can choose its favourite cartoon, independently of the choice of the jury of this festival. People all around the world can vote in the Cartoon Virtual Museum at:
24 artists are in contest, and each cartoon can be seen in detail.
The candidates are the awarded, the honourable mentions and the finalist ones of the 11th PortoCartoon-World Festival.
The voting is open on the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and on the Cartoon Virtual Museum until 31st December.
Your vote is very important for the better decision!
With my very best regards
Luís Humberto Marcos


Theme Free in 4th International Cartoon Contest Brăila 2009 - Romania

Contest: open to all cartoonists.
Theme: FREE
Entries: max. 5. The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: November 13th, 2009
Great Prize –1500 €;
First Prize – 1000 €;
Second Prize – 800 €;
Third Prize – 500 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each).
Members of jury:
Tudor Octavian – art critic
Doru Bosiok (Serbia) - cartoonist
Mihai Stănescu – cartoonist
Leonte Năstase – cartoonist
Costel Pătraşcan - cartoonist.
Exhibition: December 4th, 2009
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila.
The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila, Piata Traian no.2, 810153 Braila, Romania
Contact details:
Source: dum-dum


19th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest DICACO 2010 and the anniversary

The 19th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest (DICACO 2010)
The Daejeon City is inviting world cartoonists to take part in the 19th Daejeon International Cartoon Contest (DICACO).
1.This year's contest comprises a Thema section (titled Oddity - Monster) and a Free section.
2.The size of works should be smaller than 297 mm × 420 mm.
3.Any color, free style, and unlimited items. (+2 Works)
4.Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, e-mail, telephone number, and career on reverse.
5.The deadline for entry is Jun. 30, 2010.
6.Entries should be addressed to the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute, 450, Wolpyongdong, Daejeon, 302-280, Seoul KOREA.7.The most creative cartoon will win the Grand Prix prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, and 300 Selected works will be awarded.
8.Exhibit the cartoons at the Daejeon Public Gallery in Aug. 2010.
9.Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean public halls, galleries, & museums.
10.Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes: cards, posters, catalogs, newspaper, magazine, and books, etc.
From : Cheong San Lim, Ph.D & D.Min
Professor of the Daejeon International Cartoon Institute, 450,Wolpyongdong, Daejeon, 302-280, Seoul Korea.
*You’d better send us “soccer cartoons” to 28th February 2010 & your career, books, works world for DICACO 20 anniversary.
*Please check up 30,000 cartoons in Kongju Cyber Cartoons Gallery (

Complete list of Best Cartoon Prize winners from Turkey in DICACO 2009

Best Cartoon Prize winners from Turkey in DICACO 2009 International Cartoon Contest in Daejeon City, South Korea:
Mete Agaoglu

Mehmet Arslan
Ahmet Aykanat
Askin Ayrancioglu
Erdogan Basol
Nuri Bilgin
Menekse Cam
Musa Gumus
Mehmet Kahraman
Musa Keklik

Muhittin Koroglu
Yilmaz Muslu

Kemal Ozyurt.
Source pages:


Cartoon museum directors soon to meet in Eskisehir, Turkey

We intend to hold an international meeting to enable communication and interaction among the directors of cartoon museums in the world.
The objectives of this meeting are as follows:
a) to promote cartoon museums,
b) to ensure that directors of cartoon museums meet and exchange their experience,
c) to discuss the problems of museums,
d) to bring forth new proposals for the promotion of museums,
e) to devise a collective guide of “world cartoon museums”.
Organizer of the meeting: Anadolu University Research Center for Cartoon Art
Venue: Anadolu University Yunus Emre Campus Eskisehir / Turkey
Dates: 29 September - 3 October 2009
Museums Which Participate in Meeting:
Istanbul Municipality Cartoon and Humour Museum / TURKEY
Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo / BULGARIA
Museum of Cartoon Art, Zemun / SERBIA
Museum of Cartoon Art and Caricature, Warsaw / POLAND
Tabriz Cartoon Museum / IRAN
European Cartoon Center / BELGIUM
Indonesia Cartoon Museum, Bali / INDENOSIA
Museum of Caricature and Cartoon, Vianden / LUXEMBOURG
Museum Apartment of Azim Azimzade, Baku / AZERBAIJAN
Kyoto International Manga Museum / JAPAN
Eskisehir Anadolu University, Museum Of Cartoon Art / TURKEY
Anadolu Universitesi
Karikatur Sanatini Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi
Anadolu University Research Center for Cartoon Art
Akcami Mh. Malhatun Sk. No: 6


Results Haifa International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2009

The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition - 2009
October 4 – 12, 2009, Haifa Auditorium Hall, Haifa, Israel
The Winners:

First Prize: Litinsky Gennady, Israel - By Haifa Municipality
Second Prize: Aristides Hernandez, Cuba - By Haifa Foundation (Top above)

Third Prize: Gregori Katz, Israel - By Haifa Municipality
A Special Prize for Universal Concept to: Angel Boligan, Mexico - By Haifa Foundation
A Special Prize for Universal Concept to: Taeyong Kang, Korea - By "Pencom" Israel Cartoon Association
Honorable Mention Awards to: Eko Wahyu Widiyanto, Indonesia & Mavlud Tashtanov, Uzbekistan - By Haifa Municipality
A Special Prize to: Ivailo Tsvetkov, Bulgaria - By the Division of Culture & Art, Haifa Municipality

Award of Appreciation to: Oguz Gurel, Turkey - By "Pencom" Israel Cartoon Association
Award of Appreciation to: Olga Tarasova, Russia - By the Division of Social Services & Community Haifa Municipality
The Israeli Judging Committee:
Gennady Kostovetsky, President of "Pencom" Israel Cartoon Association
Israeli Cartoonists: Edi Mates, Israel, Dr. Ruben Rejovitzky
Yulanda Gilad, Artist, Israel
Jacqui Yungman and Ronit Eshet, Culture Department, The Division of Culture & Art, Haifa Municipality.


Results 36th International Humor Salon of Piracicaba 2009

The result of the 36th International Humor Salon of Piracicaba 2009

The GRAND PRIX Zélio Gold Trophy:
Alberto Ribeiro Palmieri, de Meridiano / Brazil (Top above).

PRIZE City Council:
Omar Alberto Figueira Turcios / Spain.

PRIZE ON VANGUARD Zélio Silver Trophy:
Raimundo Rucke Santos Souza / Brazil.

PRIZE ON CARICATURE Zélio Silver Trophy:
Gonzalo Rodriguez, Porto Alegre/ Brazil.
Alberto Ribeiro Palmieri, de Meridiano / Brazil (Top above).
PRIZE ON CARTOON Zélio Silver Trophy:
Josef Jurczyszyn / Poland.
PRIZE ON COMICS Zélio Silver Trophy:
Luigui Rocco Pasquale Recine / Brazil.
Source: Brazilcartoon