

International Graphic Humor Contest on Transitional Justice - Barcelona 2009

1st International Graphic Humor Contest on Transitional Justice around the Mediterranean - Barcelona 2009
Conditions of Participation:
1. This contest is open to the participation of any professional and amateur cartoonist artist.
2. The scope is: daily comics, cartoons, visual jokes, graphic humor, caricature, etc.
3. The topic of the contest is “The processes of Transitional Justice in Spain, Algeria and Morocco”: The starting points are:
i. The right to know
ii. Torture and detention
iii. Disappearances and summary executions
iv. Freedom of expression
v. Independence of the judiciary, administration of justice, impunity
vi. Religious intolerance
vii. Truth commissions, reconciliation, dignity
viii. States of emergency
ix. Conscientious objection to military service
x. The right to reparation and welfare guarantees
xi. Dialogue promotion and trust-building for the peace achievement.
4. Participants may submit up to three (3) items to the contest, with the provision that these images have not previously recieved awards in other contests.
5. Works they can be carried out with any pictorial technique.
6. Works can be without words, and of course in Catalan, Spanish, Berber, Arabics, English, and/or in French language.
7. Format is unique: size A4 (210 mm x 297 mm).
8. All works must be submitted via e-mail, to , after being scanned at 300 DPI point resolution in JPG (JPEG) format.
9. Works can also be sent to the following address: Recipient: F. Sol, First International Contest of Graphic Humor, Crtra. Granera 92 bxs. 08183 Castellterçol (Barcelona, Spain).
10. The submission deadline is October 18, 2009.
11. Works must be accompanied by a file which includes first and last name, address, telephone number, background and a photograph or caricature of the artist.
12. A prize of 600 € will be given to the winning application, a second prize of 300 €, and a third prize of 100 € will also be awarded.
13. The winner of the first prize will be invited to Barcelona for the presentation of the exposition between the November 2-4, 2009.
14. The decision of the jury panel is not subject to appeal.
15. The composition of the jury panel will be made public after the winner is announced.
16. The decision of the jury panel will be held and communicated on October 23, 2009 to the winners, by e-mail, and will then be published on the website of Elcàlam.
17. The first fifty (50) works selected will be exposed in Barcelona.
18. All works will be exposed at the Elcàlam and AFD websites.
19. The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and distribute the winning entry without express authorization from the author and without further compensation to the artist.
20. Participating in the competition constitutes acceptance of the contest rules in their entirety and without reservation. Any questions or conflicts will be resolved by the jury panel.
Source: cartooncenter

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