

1st Belo Horizonte International Graphic Humor Hall 2009 - Brazil

The Trash is a universal problem, faced by all sectors of any society. It is basically everything that is discarded from human activities. Lately, the problem of waste is taking absurd dimensions! It invaded the streets, air, water, and believe me, to our virtual world through the spans and viruses that threaten our computers. Sometimes, we even desire to send it all to space! But the worst is that we already sent it! The orbit of the earth is full of rubble, debris from satellites, ships and other lumber from space!
Much has been discussed on the best ways to recycle or dispose the waste generated by the style of contemporary life. Any attempt to reduce the amount of waste or changing its composition requires changes in our social behavior. The demographic concentration in cities and large increase in consumption of soft goods generates an enormous amount of waste of all kinds. Both come from homes and public activities such as industrial processes and technology. Litter is the faithful mirror of a society. The more rich has the higher consumption, generating more rubbish. Their disposal and possible reuse is a challenge still to be won.
So we call all cartoonists, professionals and amateurs, for a humorous and critical reflection on the theme! It’s time to recycle our ideas. So, let’s work ...
Oh, and remember to reuse paper that you used to scratch!
Good luck to all!
2 - Categories:
Cartoon theme: "trash" will be accepted by the organizing committee only cartoons that are related to the topic indicated.
Caricature: Free
a) May compete graphic artists in general, amateur or professional, Brazilian or foreign.
b) Each competitor may submit a total of two (2) unpublished works by category.
c) The candidate to enroll in this competition, is aware that is solely responsible for the accuracy of data and authorship of the work presented, responding civil and criminal in case is established, during or after the competition, the falsehood of data or works authorship submitted.
d) Are excluded from participation in this campaign people directly connected to the event process.
a) In this category will compete only students enrolled in basic education schools located in the state of Minas Gerais.
b) Each competitor may submit a maximum of two (2) works only for the Cartoon Topic Category: Trash.
c) The candidate to enroll in this category, should complete fill the registration form with his and school details.
d) The awards for this category are:
1st thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 computer to the winner student and 01
computer to the school that he/she studies.
2nd thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 camera for the winner student.
3rd thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 Mp3 for the winner student.
* All students who will be placed between the first 10, will win a special kit with books, designs materials, and other gifts.
e) Are excluded from participation in this campaign people directly connected to the event process.
a) Forms for registration will be available on the site .
b) The registration can be done via the event website or via mail.
c) It will not be accepted more than one (1) registration form per participant.
d) Approval of entries will be disseminated through e-mail confirmation.
e) The registration will require acceptance of this Regulation in all its terms and in compliance with the final result of the competition and the allocation and use of drawings.
a) The works must be sent in format A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal or vertical, in JPEG with resolution of 300 DPIs.
b) The cartoonists who are involved with 2 (two) works must send them attached to a single time in each of the categories.
c) The organization is not responsible for any entry not received due technical components, congestion, failures of communication lines and any other factor preventing the success of transmission via the event website.
a) The works must be submitted in A3 format (29.7 cm x 42.0 cm), horizontal or vertical.
b) The work should be sent together with the completed registration form and delivered via mail at:
Av. Álvares Cabral, 400 - Centro
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
CEP: 31.170-000
c) The work should be sent, without any frame in appropriate packaging. The organization of the event is not responsible for damage caused in the transmission of works.
d) The organization is not responsible for entries not received due to lost of correspondence, Postal misscarriage, and any other factor preventing the success of sending via mail.
a) All the works listed and sent for selection will belong to the organizing committee of the BH Humor, which put on a nonexclusive and exclusive, the property for use as all or part of their interest, which would not, in any case, compensation of any kind to authors.
b) After selection, the selected works will be exhibited in the House Casa do Baile and published in site and may have, still, together with other works, other destinations.c) It will not be responsibility of the organizing committee the damage caused by third parties, at the exposure to the public or damage caused by the handling of the work during the event.
6 – TIME
a) The works will be received until 01 September 2009.
b) The trial of the work occurs between days 02 and 05 September 2009.
c) Exposure happens between days 10 September to 18 October 2009.
a) For selection and work awards it will be followed the criteria of creativity, originality and relevance to the theme, the judging committee’s responsible for evaluating, whose decisions must be accepted by the participants, without any possibility of dispute.
b) The judging committee will select from the works received 00 (one hundred) works for exhibition that will take place in the Casa do Baile, Pampulha.
c) From the 100 (one hundred) works selected six (6) will be awarded, 3 (three) of each category, whose decisions would not be appealed.
d) Any omission of this Regulation shall be in due course resolved by the trial, through the organization of the referendum BH humor.
a) To the selected works awards will be granted:
1st Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 10,000.00
2nd Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 3.000,00
3rd Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 1000.00
1st Place Caricature................................ R$ 10,000.00
2nd Place Caricature ................................ R$ 3.000,00
3rd Place Caricature................................ R$ 1000.00
b) The disclosure of the winners will be held on 10/09/09 with the opening of the exhibition.
Winners will be informed by telegram and / or phone / e-mail their prize.
c) The award will be delivered until 60 days after its result‘s disclosure.
d) On the values of the prizes, all taxes will force until the date of payment.

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