

Theme in Belgian Cartoonale Brugge 2009 is still the Crisis!

Contest rules Cartoonale Brugge 2009
Article 1 – Concept
The cultural department of the City of Bruges organises Cartoonale Brugge, a cartoon contest. From among the entries, a jury will select a number of works that will be exhibited, and from among these exhibited works, the same jury will also appoint three prize-winners.
Article 2 – Organisational committee
The Organisational Committee consists of:
• The Alderman for Culture (chairman);
• Three delegates of the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges.
All administration work concerning this contest will be carried out by the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges, A.C. ‘t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge (Tel: 050/44 82 84, Fax: 050/44 82 80, E-mail:
Article 3 – The jury
The jury consists out of three members who are selected by the College of Burgomaster and Aldermen on the basis of their knowledge and experience.
The prizes will be awarded at the suggestion of the jury. Their decisions are final and cannot be challenged.
Article 4 – Prizes
There are three prizes: the first prize is 1000 euro, the second prize 500 euro and the third prize 250 euro.
Article 5 – Theme
Article 6 – Participation conditions
The members of the organisational committee and the members of the jury are excluded from entering Cartoonale Brugge. Participation is free of charge. The entrant guarantees the originality of his/her works. Disputes and potential claims in relation to all forms of plagiarism etc. are the sole liability of the entrant.
Every participant can send up to three cartoons before 27 July 2009, by post to:
College van Burgemeester en Schepenen
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 12,
8000 Brugge BELGIUM

The cartoons may also be hand-delivered, against receipt, at the following address:
A.C. 't Brugse Vrije
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 11,
8000 Brugge.
Opening hours: from Monday till Friday, from 8.30 a.m. till 12 a.m. and Tuesday afternoon also from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m.
In both cases, it is recommended to put the cartoons in a sealed protective envelope bearing the words “NIET PLOOIEN – DO NOT FOLD”. This will allow us to display the works in an orderly fashion.
The cartoons must be original drawings or digital prints on paper or on light cardboard. The maximum paper size is A3 (29,7 cm x 42,0 cm).
In addition, the following elements must be mentioned on the back of the cartoon:
- surname and first name;
- full address;
- phone number;
- birth date;
- sex;
- statement whether or not the cartoon(s) should be returned.
All cartoons can be displayed at the exhibition or published in a virtual catalogue created for this purpose, without any financial compensation for the artist. Furthermore, the cartoons may be used to make publicity for the cartoon contest and for the City of Bruges.
The three prize-winning cartoons will become property of the Municipality of the City of Bruges. The cartoonists who stated that they wanted their cartoons returned will receive their works by post. The organizers will take care when returning the cartoons, but cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage caused by postal service.
By entering the contest, i.e. by sending in one or more cartoons, each entrant agrees to abide by the contest rules.
Article 7 – Exhibition and prize-giving
The exhibition will take place from 19 September 2009 till and including 14 October 2009 in the ‘Hal voor Cultuur’, A.C. ‘t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge. The exhibition is open every day from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m and entrance is free.
The public announcement and the prize-giving ceremony will take place during the vernissage on Saturday 19 September 2009 at 7 p.m.
Article 8 – Disputes
All disputes over matters that are not dealt with in these contest rules will be settled by the organisational committee whose decision will be final and cannot be challenged.

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