

Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran

Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran
The significance of productivity can now be felt more than any other time.
The world crisis ahead can be managed and harnessed through teaching productivity techniques to the world community and transferring its culture to them. More appropriate use of resources and modifying the consumption patterns, along with proper use of appropriate decisions are among the requirements in this regard.
Therefore, the second international cartoon festival on productivity cordially invites all artists to once again provide the society with the opportunity to learn through serenity and smile. As the previous festival was quite successful, this time the focus is more on the content and educational, training, pedagogical aspects, and transfer of culture. This is not merely a contest, but also playing a role in a world where productivity is sought as a suitable solution.
Works can cover any productivity related fields. Fields you can work on are among, but not limited to, the following:
Theme: Productivity (correct usage of ...)
- Productivity in factories
- Productivity in houses
- Productivity and Technology
- Productivity in Human Resources
- Productivity and the Urban Life
- Productivity and ...
1- A maximum of 3 works can be sent.
2- Only original artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame, accompanied by the application form and author's brief biography and photo.
3- Computer-based copies are also acceptable provided that the print versions are signed by the cartoonist. The computer version should also be in TIFF format with 300-DPI resolution on CD.
4- No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.
5- Name, surname, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon.
6- The size of the works should be A4 to A3.
7- There is no limit on the techniques employed for cartoons.
8- The original cartoons will not be returned.
9- All cartoonists whose cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
10- The organizers will do their best to protect all submitted cartoons from any probable damage, but take no responsibility of the damages caused by postal service or bad transport.
11- The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the festival and use them in any forms.
It is worth mentioning that the jury will consist of international referees and include Art (cartoon specialists) and science referees (management thinkers).
Deadline (EXTENDED): July 09, 2009
First Prize: 3.000 Euros and Trophy
Second Prize: 2.000 Euros and Trophy
Third Prize: 1.000 Euros and Trophy
Moreover other ten selected works will be awarded by the festival sponsors.
Secretariat of the Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival, Room No. 608, 6th Floor, Faculty of Humanities, Science and Research Campus, IAU, End of Ashrafi Isfahani Highway towards Hesarak, Tehran IRAN
Source: tabrizcartoons

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