

X International Festival of Aphorism and Caricature - Strumica 2009

X International Festival of Aphorism and Caricature - Strumica 2009 - R. MACEDONIA
Competition Theme: CARNIVAL
APHORISM: In this category each author can participate with a work, consisting of up to 15 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars of the author, set in a sealed envelope. Authors are allowed to participate even with more works, as group of 15 aphorisms, each with a particular code.
CARICATURE: In this category the author can send up to three caricatures, own choice of technique, max. dimensions A/4.Each caricature to be completed with author's particulars - on its back side.
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address.
DEADLINE: The due date for works to be sent is February 14, 2009.
AWARDS: The Organizer will reward three main prizes, (golden plaqe, silver plaqe, bronze plaqe) having the right to decide about some additional prizes.
ADDRESS: The works should be addressed to: National Institution - Culture Centre "Anton Panov" 2400 Strumica R. MACEDONIA with note: For the Competition of aphorism and caricature
COPYRIGHTS: Both categories of received works will stay in the property of author and of the Organizer, who reserves the rights of its public presentation, catalogue preparation or other publication.
JURY AND PRESENTATION: The works received in due date, will be reviewed and estimated by a competent jury. The exhibition and the reward ceremony will be organized on March 2, 2009.
CONTACTS: tel. +389 34 322182 (Correspondence in English: Sofija Dzibulova) e-mail:
Source: Cartoon Blues

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