

International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 5, Surgut - Russia

The Surgut Fine Arts Museum invites all artists irrespective of age and nationality to take part in the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM – 5.
Topic: PASSION… passion as fascination, craze, dependence, hobby, love, pleasure, fear. It is in everything, that we love and do.
Nominations: Caricature, sculpture (small the plastic arts).
Primary prizes:
The “Golden Ushanka” Prize – 2000 euro
The “Silver Ushanka” Prize – 1000 euro
The “Bronze Ushanka” Prize – 500 euro
According to legislation of Russian Federation prize money are taxable.
Time constraints:
1. The deadline for entry is the 1st of June 2009.
2. Action period of the Jury is 9-12 of June 2009.
3. Opening of the Exhibition and the Rewarding Ceremony will be on the 12th of June 2010.
The Jury: Vladimir Stepanov (Russia), Stefan Despodov (Bulgaria), Irgi Sliva (Czekh), Minsalim Timergazeev (Russia), Svetlana Kruglova (Russia).
1. Only original works either new or having partaken in other competitions participate in the competition. The jury will not reward the cartoons which have won prizes in other competitions and Festivals. Creations sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
2. Any style and technique is available.
3. Size: from A4 (210х297) to A2 (420x590). Size of sculpture (small the plastic arts) at discretion of author. On a competition it is possible to present the unlimited amount of works.
4. The works must be carefully packed up. All postal costs are borne by the participants. The Forum has no responsibility for any eventual damage during the sending of the works.
5. The Form of the participant must be filled in with block letters. The works without the filled Form of the participant will not be accepted to the competition. On the back of each work the following information must appear: name of the author, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail, technique and materials used.
6. Submitted cartoons will not be returned and will stay in the collection of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum. The works can be exhibited in the halls of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other galleries to discretion of the Museum. The works may be displayed at the Museum website.
On results 4th of the International competitions in the Surgut artistic museum there was unique collection of ironical art (caricature, picture, sculpture), which is claimed not only in Surgut and Russia, but also abroad.
7. The organizers keep the right to publish and replicate the cartoons in the promotional pack of the Forum for promotional purposes of the Forum without feeing. The organizers promise to name the author and the county in all publications.
8. All works are copyright. Each author is responsible of his own creation, the copyright of the eventual texts, titles and images belong to the creators.
9. By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest.
Special conditions:
1. The organizes of the Forum provide the Primary prize-winners for trip to Surgut for the Rewarding Ceremony and back, and accommodation in Surgut.
2. All participants are invited to the Opening of the Exhibition (trip and accommodation are at the expense of the participants).
3. A catalogue will be issued as a result of the Forum. All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the catalogue will receive a catalogue.
4. The organizers and the sponsors of the Forum can institute some more special prizes after having received all the works.
Contact us:
Tel./fax: +7 (3462) 51-68-16, 51- 68-08, 51-68-12
Address: KARIKATURUM – 5, International Forum of Visual Humour, The Surgut Fine Arts Museum, 21/2, 30 Let Pobedy Str., Surgut, Tyumen region, 628403, Russia
Please, pass information about Forum the friend-artists.
Regulations & Entry-form in PDF

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