


From March 29 to April 2, 2009 Headquarters: San Antonio de los Baños Headquarters: Havana

The Union of Cuban Journalists, the Circle of Humorists and Cartoonists of the UPEC, and the Museum of Humor of San Antonio de los Baños, called the XVI International Biennial of Graphic Humor Cuba 2009, to be held from March 29 to April 2, with the coauspicio of the Directorate of Culture in Havana, and Latin American Federation of Journalists (Felap).
For the salvation of the species proposed the meeting in a world where we talk about emissions of carbon emissions and climate change, media manipulation, deforestation, desertification, inequality, war, unipolarity, xenophobia. Those who make you laugh and think being called a planet, where campea irrationality of the privileged to maintain their wealth and turn food into energy. The increasingly hungry stomachs of the poor of the land claim to the danger to jungles, forests, and the air we breathe. We call on the cartoonist for the defense of humanity.
The contest Humor Cartoon
Participating in the meeting is open to all professionals of humor figure in the world and can compete in the following categories:
. General humor (Humor general)
. Political satire (Sátira política)
. Comics (Historieta Humorística)
. Caricature portrait (Caricatura personal)
. Humorous photograph (Fotografía humorística).
Will be accepted processed digitally printed works in any category of the previously expressed.
Can be sent up to 3 works in each category.
The original works will be performed in any technical format with a maximum of 40 x 50 cm.
Should be included in each work the following information about the author:
Contact name (also stage name), Country, Category in which competition, Address, E-mail.
The works conveniently packaged will be received until January 31, 2009:
Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) XVI Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Calle 23 no.452, Vedado, Cuba. CP 10 400
Phones: 832 - 37 22 / 832 - 45 59 E-mail:
Of the jurors:
A selection of works presented, made by a jury of admission specialist, will be shown at the XVI International Exhibition of Graphic Humor in San Antonio de los Baños. An international jury, comprising prestigious figures of graphic humor, awarded the prizes.
Of the prizes:
. Eduardo Abela prize, consisting of Diploma and 1000 CUC
. First, second and third place prizes in each category, which consists of a diploma.
. Other prizes handed by Cuban cultural institutions.
Meetings of cartoonists:
From March 29 to April 2 workshops will be held theoretical and artistic creation in San Antonio de los Baños and the City of Havana, so that participants can exchange experiences, to publicize his book (do not leave your portfolio in home) and reflect on the role of humor in the twenty-first century. Also attending the opening exhibition of graphic humor.

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