

Regulations 25th International Biennial of Art Humour Tolentino - Italy

“THE CHILDREN ARE WATCHING US” (…and laughing at us)
The art of the cartoon is play in its pure state.
In an essay by B. Bettelheim on the importance of play in children, this passage by Freud has been quoted:
“The favourite and most intense occupation of a child is play. Perhaps one can say that a child at play behaves like a poet, in that he creates a world of his own, or rather he re-arranges the things of his world in a new way that pleases him”.
There was Mr Bonaventura, ingenuous child-adult and Bibì & Bibò (the Katzenjammer Kids), two urchins addicted to playing cruel pranks. And then, in more recent years, the world of Charlie Brown, Linus and Snoopy, with their unforgettable domestic-philosophical view on the adult world. And today the Simpsons - a mixture of irony, cruelty and the everyday nature of urban life.
The world of the comic is often directed at children and their games, in order to illustrate the world of adults.
“The Children Are Watching Us” was the title of a film that De Sica wrote together with Cesare Zavattini in 1943.
Beyond the content of the plot (a beautiful melodrama…), the title was well-chosen as it captured in the bedlam that is our adult world (even more relevant today than then…), a certain perspective on life which was like a ray of light; a spotlight that illuminates the dark.
Maurizio Costanzo, Stage Management.

25th International Biennial of Humour in Art, Tolentino 2009, Italy
The town council of Tolentino is proposing and organising the 25th International Biennial of Art Humour, which this year will take place between 11 July and 25 October 2009.
1. The Biennial is open to artists from all over the world, each of which can participate in the “City of Tolentino International Prize” dedicated to satire art. Each entry consists of a maximum of 3 unpublished and original works, of any size, technique and form of visual art.
A special prize dedicated to photography as original expression of humour in art will also be awarded. Any works of art on any paper support will be accepted.
2. The theme for the 2009 Biennial is: “THE CHILDREN ARE WATCHING US” (…and laughing at us)
3. The last entry date for the competition is 27 March 2009, by which date the works of art must be registered with:
Segreteria della “25a Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’Arte, piazza della Libertà, 3 – 62029 TOLENTINO (Italy).
Each work of art must have a entry form in which the following information is provided: The artist’s name, surname, pseudonym, a short biography, address, title of the piece, techniques used, sales range in which the artist would like to insert his piece, address where the work of art must be returned to.
Attachment of the signed participation card is essential for the admission to the competition for each work of art.
4. The organiser will provide and assign, for each piece on display, the price range chosen by the artist from 500–1000–1500 Euro. 20% of the earnings will go to the relevant organiser. The winning works of art will be excluded from sale and will become the property of the International Museum for Art and Caricature Humour in Tolentino.
5. The pieces must be sent carriage free. They will only be accepted if they have no tax, customs fees or any other fees to be paid by the organiser.
6. The town council of Tolentino, of who will be organising the event, assure the maximum care, guardianship and supervision of all pieces, declining all responsibility of eventual theft, fire or ungovernable events while in the care of those involved in the event or during transportation of the works of art.
7. The acceptance of each piece, their selection for exhibition and the assigning of prizes is carried out by a jury nominated by the city of Tolentino’s administration department. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be questioned or appealed.
8. The jury, presided over by Giorgio Forattini, also consists of:
– Enrica Bonaccorti
– Achille Bonito Oliva
– Evio Hermas Ercoli
– Riccardo Mannelli
– Maurizio Nichetti
– Ludovico Pratesi
– Maurizio Costanzo - Artistic Director for the Biennial of Art Humour;
9. The jury will give out the following prizes:
International Prize “ City of Tolentino” - Biennial winner - 5.000. The Biennial winner will be the guest for the following Biennial (2011) and will have his own exhibition (max. 30 works of art);
2° Prize of Euro 3.000;
3° Prize of Euro 1.500;
The jury also awards:
The “Cesare Marcorelli” Career Prize;
“Luigi Mari” Academy of Humour Prize;
Other special Prizes.

10. The works used in the exhibition will be returned, at the cost of the Organiser, not before the 30th day after the scheduled closing date, apart from the possible postponement of the closing date by the organiser. Exception goes to those works of art expressly donated to the Museum of Art and Caricature Humour in Tolentino by the artist.
Those not used for the exhibition will be returned to their owners at the cost of the addressee.
The organisers refuse all responsibility regarding theft, fire, damage, etc that might occur during transport. Tax and customs fees will be paid by the artist.
11. The International Biennial of Art Humour organisers are authorised to use and copy the selected works to be inserted in their official exhibition catalogue, with as many examples as they deem necessary. The organisers are permitted to also publish the same works, even through reproduction, in a wide distribution also in the internet. They are also entitled to publish the works on any resource and even for commercial purposes. The artist will be mentioned, in reproductions of their works, in familiar ways. The artist will automatically consent to the free utilisation of their works be it imaginatively, educationally, creatively or for public enjoyment, without any compensation. The artist must renounce all rights to any type of compensation.
12. A participation Diploma will be given to all artists selected for the exhibition. They will also have the right to a copy of the Biennial catalogue.
13. Participation in the 25th International Biennial of Art Humour competition requires full and complete acceptance of the regulations stated.
14. The regulations are published in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. In case of doubt, refer to the Italian text.
phone +39 733.901365
+39 733.901326
+39 733.969797
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