

Jubilee International Cartoon Contest - Germany

Jubilee International Cartoon Contest - Germany
Dear Mr. or Mrs,
In May 2009 the Federal Organization for Physical and Multiple Handicapped People will celebrate its 50th anniversary in Berlin. In 1959 it has been founded by parents of children with spastics. The group of people with cerebral palsy still forms the biggest part in our association.

We themed our 50th anniversary - also in allusion to one of the main characteristics of this disability - with following slogan:
"It doesn't matter how you move,
what really counts is what you move!"
It would be a great pleasure for us and all the people who get involved in our work, if you could paint a little caricature or what ever you like that adverts to our slogan. We will collect the drawings that we receive and want to publish them in a brochure. We would like to give these brochures to our members and guests on the anniversary celebration. Of course we will sign each drawing with the artist's name.
We would be very happy if you'd be interested in this campaign. - If you want to be part of it, send your drawing to the address stated below till December 15th 2008.
Kind regards.
Norbert Müller-Fehling, Secretary
Anne Ott, Press and publicity

Bundesverband für Körper-und Mehrfachbehinderte e.V.
Brehmstr. 5-7, D-40239 Dusseldorf DEUTSCHLAND

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