

2nd FESTIMENC International Festival of Honorable Mentions Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2009

1 - Could participate FESTIMENC the 2nd, professional and amateur artists, living in Brazil or others countries, provided they respect the rules of this regulation. Will be accepted work produced digitally, as well as sculptures or other proposals, provided that the perpetrators sending in the vertical direction, taking steps such as the A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm), as follows:
* CARICATURE/ HUMOUR PORTRAIT: Theme: "JORGE BENJOR" (Brazilian singer and composer)
2 - Each competitor can participate in three modes, with only a work in each mode. And behind each work should include: Full name, nickname, Full Address, Phone, Email, and Category Entered, Title of the Work.
3 - For each of the modalities will be given 20 (TWENTY) Honorable Mentions, which will be determined by the number of points awarded by the judges to work competitors. By way of comment by competitors, the work will be analyzed in the following aspects:
* Development of the subjects offered (in all categories)
* Distortion and preservation of identity (in caricature form)
* Technical (all categories)
* Presentation (in all categories)
4 -To 20 (TWENTY) best artists in each discipline will be awarded certificates of Honorable Mentions of the 2nd FESTIMENC and their works will be exposed in the Cultural JORGE BENJOR, which is beside the railway station of Realengo.
5 - The first three placed in each category, according to the decision of the committee judges, will be awarded the following prizes:
1st, 2nd and 3rd place - special certificate Trophy + Project SORRIALENGO Kit (shirt, cap, key chain and a caricature in color produced by cartoonists of SORRIALENGO)
6 - For those prepared to work computer, its authors must send the art-final in size A3 to the address in item 8. WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ONLINE.
7 - Work winners become part of the file Project SORRIALENGO and can be run in future exhibitions, provided that they have to respect the disclosure of the design of humor and there are no profit with the same exposure and the authors are reported and have its claims and contacts exposed. And the other work may be withdrawn personally at the same address, until the day on March 20, 2008, Monday through Friday, from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm on presentation of identity. After the day on March 20, 2008, all those works that are not withdrawn will be part of the file Project SORRIALENGO.
8 - The work should be directed to the following address: IBB / PROJETO SORRIALENGO 2nd FESTIMENC - INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF HONORABLE MENTIONS Rua: NUNCIO CALEPPI, 369 - CEP: 21745-010 Mallet / RJ - BRASIL
9 - The entry in the competition implies the acceptance by competitors of all terms of this regulation.
10 - If the committee judges is informed by one of the competitors on possible fraud or breach of any of the items of the regulation, it may dismiss the award, thereby giving that competitor who has then. Single paragraph: If any of the competitors have a complaint to make regarding potential fraud, for which the claim is examined by the judges, can not be made until the day before the awards. If not happen that way, it will be disregarded.
SELECTION OF WORKS: January 16 and 17, 2009
CEREMONY OF PRIZE: January 20, 2009
Joao Carlos Mattias
President of Sorrialengo Project
President of 2nd FESTIMENC

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