

10th RIDEP 2009 Carquefou - France

10th Encounter of International Drawing Press 16-18 January 2009 in Carquefou -France
We organized to commemorate the 10 years an exhibition with the participation of designers from around the world. Seen the success of the exhibition on China last year, we wish once more to integrate the designers FECO, the purpose of organizing the exhibition "10 years of news in the world."
The goal is to look back on the basic facts of these last 10 years in the world (political, economic, cultural, environmental, sports, human rights ...).
You can send your drawings in the quantity you want, whether it is possible to the date of completion and historical context, either by mail:
Mairie de Carquefou - Service Communication / Ridep BP 60139 44471 Carquefou Cedex France
Format of the drawings: A4 or A3, at 300 dpi resolution.
Deadline for submissions: December 10, 2008.
Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

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