

Results 28th Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2008

Results of 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest - TurkeyThe jury members of 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest met at Istanbul Cartoon and Humour Museum on 8th August, 2008.
The Jury members are Turhan Selcuk(1), Tonguc Yasar(4), Metin Peker(2), Kadir Dogruer(9), Muhittin Koroglu(12), Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu(3), Prof.Dr.Nazan Erkmen(7) from Turkey, and Tomas Rodriguez Zayas(11, Cuba), Leng Mu(10, China), Paola Dalponte(8, Italy), Luiz Carlos Fernandes(5, Brazil), Dr.Cheong San Lim(6, Korea).

In the photo are the Jury members with Erdogan Bozok(13), the Director of Istanbul Cartoon and Humor Museum).
910 cartoonists with their 910 cartoons participated in 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest this year.
The results announced by the Association of Cartoonists in Turkey on 11th August, 2008 are as follows:

Grand Prize: Arif Sutristanto – Indonesia (Prize value US$ 3.000,-)
Honour Prize: Musa Gumus – Turkey (Prize value US$ 750,-)
Honour Prize: Agim Sulaj – Italy (Prize value US$ 750,-)

Honour Prize: Shahrokh Heidari – Iran (Prize value US$ 750,-)
Honour Prize: Alessandro Gatto – Italy (Prize value US$ 750,-)
Special Prizes are given as follows:
Nasreddin Hodja Special Prize: Serdar Gunbilen – Turkey
Nasreddin Hodja Special Prize: Ertan Ayhan Sertoz - Turkey
Special Prize of the Association of Cartonists: Grzegorz Szumovski – Poland
Special Prize of the Jury: Milko Dikov – Bulgaria
Special Prize of Culture and Tourism Ministry: Ismet Lokman – Turkey
Special Prize of Press, Publications and Information General Administration: George Licurici - Romania
Special Prize of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality: Myung-Lae Nam – South Korea
Special Prize of Cankaya Municipality: Luka Lagator – Montenegro
Special Prize of Sisli Municipality: Mahmood Nazari – Iran

Special Prize of Aksam newspaper: Vladimir Kazanevsky – Ukraine

Special Prize of Cumhuriyet newspaper: Angel Boligan – Mexico
Special Prize of Sabah newspaper: Erico Junqueira Ayres – Brazil
Special Prize of Milliyet Sanat magazine: Ali Aghaey - Iran
Special Prize of the Turkish Association of Journalists: Xiang Yu Yang – China
Special Prize of Turkish Radio and Television Company: Goran Divac – Serbia
Special Prize of NTV Channel: Pawel Kuczynsky – Poland
Special Prize of Fox TV Channel: Zhi Dong Zeng – China
Special Prize in memoriam cartoonist Serdar Cakirer: Lubomir Mihailov – Bulgaria
Special prize of Koc Investment Company: Feng Gui Bo - China.
See all prize-winning cartoons at:

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