

Results 14h International Cartoon Contest Haifa 2008

Results of 14h International Cartoon Contest Haifa 2008 - Israel

First Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky, Ukraina

Second Prize: Bernard Bouton, France

Third Prize: Franco Origone, Italy

Special Prizes for Universal Concept: Ilya Katz, Israel and Wolfgang Schlegel, Germany by the Senior Citizens Council Haifa Municipality
Special Prizes for Uniqueness: Anatoli Radin, Russia and Avital Alter, Israel by the Division of Culture & Art, Haifa Municipality

Honorable Mention Awards: Jordan Pop Iliev, Macedonia and Bayram Hajizadeh, Azerbaijan by the Division of Social Services & Community Haifa Municipality
Award of Appreciation: Josef Fayer Israel by the President of Pencom, the cartoonists' Association
Exhibition: Sept, 15 - October 15, 2008 Haifa Auditorium Baruch and Ruth Rappaport Cultural Center, Haifa, Israel
The Judging Committee:
Gennady Kostovetsky, President of the "Pencom" Israel Cartoon Association
Michel Kishka, Israel, President of "AKI" - " Israel Cartoonists' Association
Boris Erenburg, Cartoonist, Haifa, Israel
Dr. Ruben Rejovitzky, Artist & Cartoonist, Haifa, Israel
Andrey Feldshteyn, U.S.A.
Alexander Blatnik, Serbia
Rudy Gheysens, Belgium
Pol Louis, Australia
Ronit Eshet, Director of the Steering Committee, Coordinator of Advertising and Fundraising, The Editor of the cartoon catalog Haifa Municipality, Culture Department
The CARTUNION Award by the International Cartoonists’ Club goes to Bernard Bouton, France for his funny and touching work.
Andrey Feldshteyn, The author of the independent project CARTUNION

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