

Results Festival of European Satire “Billygoats”

The Jury of the Festival of European Satire “Billygoats” (FSE) awarded the following prizes:
in A category (drawing, graphics, sculpture, photo):

Grand Prix – Jerzy Głuszek (Poland) for the work: „Blue Desire” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 5 000 €)
II prize – Antonio Mongiello Napo (France) for the work: „The crise of water” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 500 €)
III prize – Paweł Kuczyński (Polska) for the work: „Pingwiny” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 1 500 €)
Distinction – Heinz Ortner (Austria) for the work: „Hallo” (1 000 €)

Distinction – Luka Lagator (Montenegro) for the work: „Clima change-Water” (1 000 €)
Special Prize – Norbert Sarnecki (Poland) for the work: „Na wietrze” (sculpture) (1 000 € + fly a balloon) founder: FSE + Aeroklub Poznański

Special Prize – Valeriu Kurtu (Germany) for the works: „Urlaub” and „Klimakatastrofa” (1 000 €) founder: FSE + MILLANO
Special Prize – Tchavdar Nikolov (Bulgaria) for the work: „Paul Sezanne” (550 € + promotion in The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski) founder: FSE + The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski
Special Prize – Maciej Trzepałka (Poland) for the work: „W górę rzeki” (550 €) founder: FSE + MATBET
Special Prize – Zenon Żyburtowicz (Poland) for the work: „Ecce Homo” (photo) (the special prize in the shape of Panasonic’s set hi-fi) founder: FSE + Radio ESKA
in B category (animation):
The jury of the competition didn’t award the GRAND PRIX in category B. The jury of the competition decided to change the amount of the prizes awarded in category B.
II prize – Alicja Bednarek (Poland) for the work: „Energia odnawialna” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 000 €)
III nagroda – Andrzej Lichota (Poland) for the set of 5 animations (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 1 000 €)
Distinction – Andrzej Fonfara (Poland) for the work: „Koziołki” (“Billygoats”) (550 €)
Distinction – Nikodem Olejniczak (Poland) for the work: „True life” (550 €).

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