

3rd Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip "Zikison" 2008

Živojin Pavlović "žikišon" (Paracin – Serbia 1885 – 1950)
III The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip 2008. and The SRZ (SRŽ) – The Satirical Manufactory "Zikison" (Satirična Radionica Žikišon) are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. THE PORTRAIT CARICATURE "ZIKISON" WITHOUT WORDS. How do caricaturists imagine "Žikišon" and his life time?
2. THE CARICATURE WITHOUT WORDS – FREE FORM. For both of categories you can send up to 3 works on A/4 size of paper, up to 200 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed.
3. THE SHORT ALTERNATIVE COMIC STRIP – FREE FORM. A board needs to content up to 6 squares, A/3 format, up 400 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed, up to 3 boards in a work or 3 boards of a single strip.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: The first award in each of three categories - a presentation on a particular page on the site and Electronic weekly news zikison and kiks (Caricature and Short Comic Cartoon).
Works can be sent by E-mail & with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs. Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition) (The Results: November 1)
ZIKISON (1885 - 1950) Was a Satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a Co–Author editor of many of newspaper for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he was died in 1950.
See photos of Zikison at web:

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