

International Biennial of Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2008

International Biennial Contest of Caricature and Humorous Drawing 2008
First – Aim
The aim of these rules is to regulate the INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL CONTEST OF CARICATURE AND HUMOROUS DRAWING 2008, organised by Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Hall’s Self-Governing Cultural Agency (in Spanish “Organismo Autónomo de Cultura”, also known as “O.A.C.”).
Second – Participants
To join this contest is free. Each participant in each variety can take part with a maximum of one (1) work, which must be unheard-of and non exhibited before, either in this or in other contests. Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Hall’s O.A.C. will do all the relevant negotiations and actions as it sees feet, in order to guarantee, on the part of the artists, the observance of this obligation. If, during the exercise of these controlling tasks, on the part of the O.A.C., the failure to comply with this obligation were proved, then the artist or artists involved would be immediately disqualified in any of the stages of this contest, losing, in case s-he had won it, the prize awarded.
Third – Subject
The participants in the Humorous Drawing section will have to send a maximum of one work, having as an only subject for 2008: “Santa Cruz bears a woman’s name: Cruci”. For subsequent competitions, in case the present rules were deferred, the subject will be decided through specific Decision of the President of the O.A.C.
The works must be original and carried out in any pictorial technique. They will have an only format of 35 X 50 cm, without framework and included their conditional “passe partout”.
Fourth – Prizes
Personal Caricature
First Prize: €10,000.
Second Prize: €1,800.
Third Prize: €1,200.

Humorous Drawing
First Prize: €10,000.
Second Prize: €1,800.
Third Prize: €1,200.
Concerning the mentioned quantities, the legally planned deductions for tax purposes will be carried out.
In both cases, the second and third prizes could be awarded by any firm eager to collaborate with the contest. In this case, the prize would be named after the firm which assigns it, putting in on record in the contest advertising.
The prizes can be declared void.
Fifth – Registration
The works must be presented at the O.A.C. Registry (“Registro”), located at Centro de Arte La Recova, Plaza Marcos Redondo nº 2, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Edificio Centro de Arte la Recova, nº 2, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, according to the following office hours:
From October to June: from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 13:30.
July, August and September: from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 13:00.
Likewise, the works can be presented at the offices of the places planned in the article 38 of the Law 30/1992, 26th November, from the “Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y Procedimiento Administrativo Común”.
The works must be signed in a non-visible place, together with a Closed Envelope with the following data:
· Artist’s name and surname.
· Artistic variety in which s-he takes part.
· Photocopy of his or her Identity Card, passport or EU residence card.
· Updated data concerning address, phone number and e-mail.
· CV.
· It is compulsory for each artist to fill in an official registration form that the O.A.C. will put at any participant’s disposal in the O.A.C.’s “Ventanilla Única” (“Window”). The registered copy will serve as a deposit receipt.
· Sworn statement on the work’s originality, remarking that the artist holds its intellectual property rights.
· If a work is presented by an artistic group, a representative must be named, for identification and controlling reasons, in case the mentioned work is awarded.
The participants will have the responsibility of postage, shipping & return. The O.A.C. will not be responsible for losses or damages the work may suffer during its haulage.
The works must be presented in its corresponding packing, facilitating its recycling after being returned.
The O.A.C. will look after the received works, but it declines any responsibility for losses, damages or theft, as well as for any incident occurring during its exhibition. The O.A.C. keeps right on rejecting works not fulfilling some of the mentioned requirements. Also, if any work or its packing shows a defective state, it will be rejected.
Sixth – Admission Term
The postmark deadlines for 2008 are from the day after the publication of these rules in the notice board of the O.A.C. through 29th September. Besides, the contest will be advertised in any media the Panel sees fit.
Seventh – Panel
The Panel will be presided over by the President of the O.A.C., or any person to which s-he delegates. Besides, there will be two chairpeople having a professional relationship with the aim of the present rules. The O.A.C. Delegate Secretary, or any person to which s-he delegates, will act as a Secretary, having no say whatsoever in this matter.
The Panel will not have any relationship with the participants in the contest as long as the process takes place. The Panel’s verdict will be final. The Panel can take any decisions considered advisable for the appropriate development of the selection and the verdict.
The verdict will be announced in local media, also publishing the names of the different members of the Panel.
Eighth – Procedure for the selection and verdict of the Panel
Among the received works, the Panel will make a previous selection according to their quality.
For awarding the prize, the procedure used will be established by the President of the Panel according to the number of participants. In case of tie, there will be another votation, due to the fact that the prize cannot be splitted into two or more works. Only one work must be awarded.
The verdict of the Panel will be announced in December 2008, and it will be final.
The Panel can declare the prize void.
Ninth – Ownership
The works presented and not selected must be retired by the artists themselves in a fifteen-day term (working and non-working days included) from the day the verdict is issued, which will be published in the Notice Board (“Tablón de Anuncios”) of the O.A.C. Registry Offices (“Oficinas de Registro”). The works selected and not awarded must be retired in a fifteen-day term (working and non-working days included) from the end of the exhibition, and the artists will be told at the right moment. In both cases, it will be essential to show the corresponding registration form receipt.
Not removing the works during the terms mentioned before means that the O.A.C. declines any responsibility on them, doing as it sees fit.
The awarded works will become a property of the O.A.C., including also all the rights related to their use, reproduction and exhibition in any medium, with the exception of the moral rights legally planned.
Tenth – Final Regulations
The registration in this contest implies complete and unquestionable acceptance of these rules.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Hall’s O.A.C., in case there is any doubt, keeps right on interpreting these rules as well as of modifying them according to public interest reasons.
Regulations: Descargar bases

1 comment:

  1. May you explain for the foreign cartoonists the contest's subject: “Santa Cruz bears a woman’s name: Cruci”. We are confused a bit. Thank you.
