

Polish artist Krzysztof Toboła passed away

Krzysztof Toboła not alive
June 6 departed from us suddenly Krzysztof Toboła, a noted illustrator and painter and cartoonist. He was 45 years.
Krzysztof Toboła - (1963 - 2008). Born in Kodniu. He graduated from School of Arts in Opole. He worked in Chemical Factory "Police" SA in Public Relations. He was a member of the Association of Polish Artists Karkatury and the Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists.
Published his work in Głosie Szczecińskim, Gazecie Goleniowskiej, Echu Stargardu, Twoim Dobrym Humorze, Poznaniaku, and Super Expressie.
He won many prizes including dual winner of the contest organized by the Museum of Caricature and the Capital City of Warsaw on the occasion of 400-anniversary Stołeczności Warsaw; won: II and III prize in the contest "Walończycy", a special prize gallery "Kraniecpolski", the first prize in XIV edition of "What I will .." , Director of the Museum of Caricature prize in the contest "Posterunek satire," honorable mention in the National Review Wydażeń Satyrycznych "Papkinada - 2003", an honorable mention in the "Games and sports" - Korea, 2003, honorable mention in the "Karpik" - Niemodlin 2003, honorable mention in the contest " Europejka "- Barciany 2004.
Exhibitions Krzysztof Toboła can be viewed at: Szczecin, Gdansk, Warsaw, Jaroslaw, Biala Podlaska, Stargardzie Szczecin, Barcianach, Hanover, Mikolajki, Tarnobrzeg, Olsztyn, Myszkowie, Gdynia, Puck, and of course the Police.

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