

15th International Contest University of Alcalá – Spain

15th International Graphic Humor Contest of the University of Alcalá – Spain
The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá announces the 15th International Graphic Humor Contest, with the slogan:
Garbage: The value of what you throw away.
For some people, it is only garbage, but for many others it is a source for life. Besides, it is one indicator to analyze the society in which we live in. This reflection has inspired the subject of the 15th International Graphic Humor Contest of Alcalá that has been announced with the slogan “Garbage: The value of what you throw away”.
Deadline for this announcement is August 31st.
This International Contest is open to all the professionals of Graphic Humor that send the cartoon they have published (or will publish) in national or international media. The main goal of this contest is to sensitize public opinion (being the students a special target) about the meaning of garbage, and the spreading of the necessity of going more deeply into the importance of recycling.
We can define our way of living by analyzing our garbage and, moreover, we can make radiography of the society that produces that garbage. The Chilean economist Hernán Durán de la Fuente says that “a city like San Francisco has on its garbage more aluminum than that you can obtain from a bauxite mine, and more copper than that you can obtain from an average mine”. Those data define significantly the squandering of developed societies. On the other side we find the garbage dump as a supplying resource for those who live in poverty.
For that reason, other main objective of this 15th International Graphic Humor Contest about the value of what we throw away is to share artistic and pedagogic projects from different countries, in order to change some behaviors, and to favor the opinion and experience exchange among graphic humor professionals all over the world.
Basis of the announcement will be soon available in different languages. Spanish version is available yet. Check the website for the complete basis in your language before posting your work(s). See the basis now available in different languages:
The entry may be a cartoon, a strip or a caricature.
Can participate originals or cartoons made with computer (digital artwork must indicate the number of copy and total prints: eg: 2 / 4, if 2 is a copy of a total of 4).
The maximum format will be of 297 x 420 mm. (A3).
The works submitted will become part of Humor Chart funds of the Foundation General University of Alcala (unless expressly stated the opposite direction, which must be in writing on the reverse of the work the word "Return"), and may be used in their exhibitions, posters, and publications.
At the end of exhibition in Alcala, people with selected work will receive a copy of the publication, that will be edited in connection with the conclusion of exhibition.
The announcement image for the 15th International Graphic Humor Contest is made by Jesús Zulet Izura, Zulet. (See top above)
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá
XV Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico.
C/ Imagen, 1-3. 28801 Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. España.
Tel.: +34 91 879 74 40/41
Fax: +34 91 879 74 55

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