

3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest

The 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest: "Take the funny way"
Contest Rules
1.1 The Theme of the Contest
The entries (submitted cartoons) should illustrate the motto «Take the funny way». The entries have to be related to GPS navigation systems and their main idea – searching the right way to destination. Cartoon has to include Prestigio logotype and/or image of Prestigio navigation devices
Contest organizers: Prestigio Technologies (Cyprus) Ltd., and Prestigio Europe spol. s.r.o., (Czech Republic). Website:
1.2 Prize Fund
Grand prix: US$1000
Prestigio Gold Prize: GeoVision 430+ 400$
Prestigio Silver Prize: GeoVision 350 + 200$
User Choice: GPS BT Receiver +100$
1.3 Rules of Identifying Winning Entries The Grand-Prix, Prestigio Gold and Sliver Prize will be awarded to the entrant who will score the highest number of points as a result of the Prestigio Jury’s voting. The cartoons considered for this nomination must contain at least one element of the Prestigio brand (product and/or logo and/or slogan). The Prestigio Jury consists of 20 company employees from corporate divisions based in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Netherlands. The Prestigio Jury includes professional designers and artists.
The special Prestigio Prize will be awarded to the entrant who will score the maximum number of votes in an independent poll at the website as of 29 March, 2008. The cartoons considered for this nomination must contain at least one element of the Prestigio brand (product and/or logo and/or slogan).
1.4 Voting via site
Any visitor of the website will be able to vote one time per day for one entry. Every voter will be required to leave a comment at the website in English related to the entry. The Contest organizers reserve the right to remove the comments containing obscenities, insults, remarks of racist nature, advertising, calls for violence. Such comments will be removed without notice and explanations. The vote submitted for the entry with such a comment will be automatically subtracted from the entry’s voting score.
1.5 Prestigio Jury Voting Rules
The Prestigio Jury consists of Prestigio employees based in various offices and regions. The Jury is headed by Viktoria Kletskova, Prestigio Internet marketing coordinator. The Jury also includes corporate designers, marketing and brand managers. The Jury shall take into account the theme of submitted entries, sense of humour, and relation to the Prestigio brand.
1.6 Contest Stages and Terms
Contest term: 4 February – 1 April, 2008
Submission deadline: 29 March
Voting via website: until 29 March
Announcement of the results: 1 April
1.7 Rules of Entry Submissions
Any author can submit either a digital or a print version of the artwork.
1.7.1 Digital Artwork Submission
Digital artworks can be submitted either via the website (Authors’ Entry) or by sending it to the following email address:
1.7.2 Print Artwork Submission
Any author can submit the artwork by regular mail to one of the following Contest Entry Centres:
Prestigio Europe, spol. s r.o.
Tichonická 29, 104 00 Praha 22 - Uhříněves Czech Republic
Attn: Ms. Simona Blumentritova
Prestigio Russia
Kalitnikovskaya, st 42B-501, 109029 Moscow Russia
Attn: Mrs. Maria Sergeeva
Prestigio Technologies Cyprus
Diamond Court, 43 Kolonakiou Str. Ayios Athanasios, 4103 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50231, 3602 Lemesos CYPRUS
Attn: Mr. Slavi Slavchev
1.8 Entry Requirements
The Jury will only accept completed original graphic products matching the definition of Cartoon, as well as meeting the purposes and goals of the Contest, its theme and priorities. The artworks submitted to the Contest should be executed on a high artistic and technological level.
The print version of the artwork must be executed on an A3 sheet of paper (420 x 297 mm). The author must enclose the signed Copyright Release which are available for download at the Contest website The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. All artworks must arrive at Contest Entry Centres no later than 29 March, 2008. The Organizers cannot be hold liable for any damage or loss of entries incurred during the delivery. The submitted artworks will not be returned to authors.
When submitting the entry via email, the authors must attach a scanned copy of the signed Copyright Release which is available for download at the Contest website The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. The artworks must be presented in one of the following formats: jpg/gif/tif with resolution of no less than 300dpi and having the size of no more than 2MB.
The following types of cartoons will not be accepted for participation in the Contest:
materials of erotic and/or pornographic nature;
artworks executed (or published) with infringement of third party copyrights, or of other current legislation.
The Contestants who have been exposed of plagiarism or use of other person's ideas, shall be permanently disqualified and shall not be allowed to further participate in the Contest.
1.9 Contest Media Coverage
The course of the Contest will be highlighted at the site and the site At Prestigio discretion the Contest can also be highlighted at other Internet resources of the company, including through continuous exposure of all entries in the Internet. At the discretion of the Contest organizers, the course of the Contest can be widely covered at information sites and in mass media.
1.10 Applicable legislation
These Rules, as well as all rights and duties of the parties to the Contest shall be governed by the material legislation of the Czech Republic. All disputes and disagreements between Organizers of the Contest and participants, where agreement has not been achieved, shall be resolved in the courts of the Czech Republic.
1.11 Use of Author’s Materials
The term “author’s materials” denotes any materials which the Contestant or the participant uploads to the Contest Site on his/her own behalf or sends to the Contest Entry Centers, including (but not limited to) graphic and text materials, name and/or a pseudonym (nickname), images, photos, author’s biographic data.
Authors grants to Prestigio Europe spol. s.r.o. of Czech Republic and any its agents, representatives, assignees, affiliated, parent and related companies (the “Prestigio Companies”) the non exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, display, produce, distribute, publish, copy, or otherwise exploit including the right of modification, translation and adaptation, independently and/or as part of the catalogue of contests catalogue, either in whole or in part sent by author to the caricature competition: “Take the Funny Way” hosted by (the “Material”).
If there is no other written agreement between the author and the Contest organizers, signed by both parties, the author cannot demand neither from the Contest organizers, nor from other persons who have received from organizers of Contest the right to use Contest artworks, any indemnification or payment for use and demonstration of the materials.
1.12 Disclosure of Information
These Rules and the information on the course of the Contest are openly published at the Contest Website. Any interested persons have the right to contact the Organizers asking for explanations of specific provisions of these Rules or other necessary information. The Organizers can be contacted at the following address:
Contest Rules:

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