

1st International Bogotá Cartoon Contest - Colombia

First International Caricature and Cartoon Contest City of Bogotá
Theme: Long live the children!
Through the universal language of humor, the selected works look forward to make visible childhood problems and issues around the world.
Publication: A catalogue with the finalists and winners works will be edited and it will include articles and essays about childhood issues and problems.
a) Professionals: Persons who works or have worked professionally as cartoonists or caricaturists on mass media.
b) Amateurs: Persons who have never published his work on mass media.
Persons that have never worked professionally on cartoon or caricature on mass media.
c) Children: (Only for Bogotá D.C.) People between 8 and 15 years old.
- People under 18 years old must present an authorization letter signed by his parents where they accept the terms and regulations of the contest.
- The works must be sent in an envelope that must be marked on the upper right corner with the capital letter of the correspondent category (P – professional; A – Amateur; C – Children)
Technique: Free
Format / Size: 25 x 35 cm (horizontal/vertical)
Quantity: Maximum 2 works per author.
First Place: US $ 1.000.-
Second Place: US $ 800.-
First Place: US $ 500.- (artistic materials)
Second Place: US $ 400.- (artistic materials)
Children (Applies only in Bogotá)
First Place: A scholarship for a course (Duration: 120 hours) at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura.
Second Place: A scholarship for a course (Duration: 30 hours) at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura.
Additionally the Jury will honor the most outstanding works on each category with Special Mentions.
Jury: A team of four professionals, two cartoonists, a writer and a researcher on children issues will judge and select the winners.
- The deadline for entries is: March 21st 2008. (Mail stamp date is accepted)
- Notification to winners: April 7th 2008.
- The selected works will be awarded and shown at the XXI edition of the Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá on April 2008.
Inscription and sending: The works must be sent in an envelope that must be marked as follows:
Escuela Nacional De Caricatura
Concurso De Humor Gráfico y Caricatura “Ciudad De Bogotá”
Carrera 20B Nº 74-40
Tel. (57)(1) 211 2632
Bogotá, Colombia – Suramérica.

The works must be marked on the back with the author’s pseudonym. Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a sealed envelope with the following information:
First and last name: .............................................................
Identification number: .........................................................
Address: ...........................................................................
Phone number:...................................................................
E-mail: .............................................................................
Digital works must be sent as jpg format and 300 dpi files to the following e-mail address:
Digital authors must register themselves on the entry form placed on the Internet site
- In case of reclaims of other persons, the author takes entire responsability of the originality of his works before the organization.
- The decision of the jury is definitive and unappealable.
- The not selected works for exhibition can be returned at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura between June 2nd and July 31st 2008.
- Published or awarded works can NOT participate.
- Works will be received or sent until the mentioned deadline (March 21st 2008) including mail stamp!
- Awarded works become part of the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura collection and the institution will be able to use them with academic, cultural or disclosure purposes.
- Escuela Nacional de Caricatura will be able to use the not awarded works with academic or cultural purposses. As mentioned, originals can be returned at the institution between June 2nd and July 31st 2008.
- Students of the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura are able to participate only if they are not part of the contest committee.
- Those who have blood ties with members of the contest committee are not allowed to participate.
- The participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance, without any reserve, of the entire terms and regulations.


  1. greetings caricaturque, i invite to partipate in thid contest in my country!!!
