

Nature & Man Contest 2008: Drought and Water

The Subject of the year 2008: Drought and Water
The Association of Cartoonists, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing had organized this contest aiming to direct people for focusing more on this matter by describing through cartoons that mankind will sooner or later face these dangers and by focusing on their probable results and also aiming to create an attitude and behavioral change in the society in order to slow down this process. The contest is open for all the amateur and professional cartoonists.
The cartoon may be published or awarded. Technique is free. Can be colored or black and white. The dimensions A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
Contest cartoons can be sent only through internet.
Awards: By the end of each month, the best 3 cartoons of that month will be selected and 20 saplings will be planted in Tekirdag Memorial Forest on their behalf. An introductory sign will be erected on the plantation region.
The works that are sent to the contest will be exhibited through internet.
By the end of the year, those works awarded and those works to be determined by the selection committee will be collected in a CD and will be sent to the owners of the works as free of charge.
The cartoons of the contest, whether awarded or not, may be exhibited in the introductory announcements of the contest and they can be published in books, magazines, posters, postcards. Copyrights will not be paid to the owners of the works due to these publications.
In case they are used for other purposes or by third parties, then permission will be obtained from the owner of the work.
Those who send their works to the contest, will also indicate whether they can be used or not, in the t-shirts to be produced by TEMA Foundation's Economic Management in order to obtain revenue.
The utilization rights of the works are for Turkey.
The cartoons may be used in postcards for introductory purposes.
Each cartoonist will be assessed by the jury both for the following month’s elections and the annual elections, whether they are awarded or not by the monthly jury election.
The artists participating in the contest will be deemed to accept all the participation conditions.
This contest is organized by the Association of Cartoonists, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing.
Since environmental disasters are continuous, our contest will also continue without interruption. Exhibition: The exhibition of the contest cartoons that were drawn previously will be realized at the Gallery of the Association.
Award ceremony: will be announced later.
Sending address: by e-mail and
Jury evaluation: Election will be held in every month.
General Authority of the Organization: Muhittin Koroglu
Selection Committee: Representative of the Association of Cartoonists, Representative of TEMA Foundation, Representative of Cartoon Publishing.

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