

2nd "Laughter is Health" - Argentina

International Contest of Graphical Humour
"laughter is health"

Buena Salud magazine invites all graphical humorists worldwide to participate in the contest “physical activity is essential for health
The objective of the contest is to emphasize the importance of graphical humour in the public health prevention.
Graphical humour is a journalistic genre that is able to express a social commitment, pretending contribute to the reflection and action, waking up with a smile consciousness for a full physical activity to improve health.
Rules of the Contest

Buena Salud Magazine
Main Sponsor:
Pfizer SRL
Subject of the Contest
physical activity is essential for health
Who participate
The contest is open to Graphical humorists of all nations, professionals, semi-professionals or amateurs.
Amount of pieces
Each participant will be able to send up to two (2) pieces.
Characteristics of the original work
The works may not have been previously published nor awarded.
The maximum size of artworks is A4 210 x 297 centimeters. Mounted in cardboard.
The technique to use is free. Colour or Black and white
The original work could be sent in digital format, by post or delivered personally before May 5, 2008, in Avda San Juan 499, CP 1147, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina.
The participants who sent the works in digital format, and providing that those that have been rewarded and / or selected for the exhibition, will have to send the original work by post, which will be able to be withdrawn after finished the sample.
The presentation of the original work will be a condition necessary for the effective delivery of the prize.
Condition for participation
As a condition for participation, the authors should fulfill, together with his work, the data in the form annexed to these rules, the veracity of which must be accredited at the time of receiving the award. The organizer guarantees absolute privacy of the data contained in this form, except for the full name and nationality, which will be published in the digital catalogue and other publications referred to in this regulation.
Of the juries
The jury will be integrated by: Oskar Blotta (president), Publishing Consultant of Buena Salud magazine, and the recognized graphical humorist, Andrés Cascioli and authorities related to health and physical activity.
The jury will fail 15th may, 2008. The opinion of the jury will be Not appealable.
The first prize will have an allocation of us$ 1000, two second prizes us$ 500 each. The jury will be able to declare up to two special mentions.
Digital Catalogue
The Jury, under his experience and sound judgment will select a certain number of works, which may be included in the Digital Catalogue of " laughter is health." The inclusion of the works in it, is not guaranteed, nor give rise to any compensation
The selection and show of the art works will be exhibited in a special event where the jury will fail and will deliver prizes.
Rights and obligations
All participants of the graphical humour contest should accept and will opportunely sign the following rules:
1. Deadline for the delivery of works: 5th May 2008, up to 6 PM. All works sent through post office will have to certify the date and reception time in Av. San Juan 499, CP 1147, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2. The original works only could be withdrawn personally by their authors or by authorized person, in Av. San Juan 499, CP 1147, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, until December 21, 2008, at the time of 10 to 17 hours.
The original works will be sent by post with cost for the participant, after their special requirement.
3. The author transferred the rights of exhibition of the sent works, as well as the ones published in the Digital Catalogue of the Contest.
4. The results of the contest will be notified by mail to the winners and published in and Buena Salud magazine.
5. The winners transferred their rights freely for publication in Buena Salud magazine and / or any of XYZ Editora S.A. publications, as well as posters, brochures, banners or Internet web pages, mentioning in all cases author's name and nationality, who retain their Intellectual Property Rights (Argentina National Law 11.723).
6. The organizer will be liable for the safe keeping of selected original artwork whilst in their possession, but is not responsible for loss and / or damage that may suffer for circumstances beyond the control of organizer.
7. Any other issue not covered by the Rules of the contest will be resolved by the Organizer, who reserves the right to change the terms of this contest without the right to any claim by participants.
8. Participation implies knowledge of this regulation contest.
More information:
Avda. San Juan 499, Capital Federal, (CP1147), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Phone: (5411) 43073505
Fax. (5411) 4307-2505

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