

1st International SNAIL’S Graphical Humor - Spain

1st International Aid of SNAIL’S Graphical Humor
1 Any professional artist or amateur can participate in this aid.
2 The subject of the aid is the SNAIL.
3 The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been awarded previously in another contest.
4 The works can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 x 297 mm) or proportional.
5 Works without words will be only accepted, in Catalan language or Castilian language.
6 It is precise to send works, solely by, 300 points of resolution in format JPG or JPEG.
7 The term of work admission finalizes the 1 of April 2008.
8 The works must go accompanied of a card that includes the name, last names, direction, telephone and photographs or cartoon of the author.
9 An only prize will be granted, to the winning work, of 1,000 euros; the trip in Lleida for two people and, if therefore it express the winner, two nights of lodging in the city with data in determining by the organization to attend the collection of the prize that will give day 23 of May of 2008. It is recommended not to vary the data of the trip since the expenses that any change of the arranged data generates are in charge of the winner.
10 The decision of the jury will be unquestionable.
11 The composition of the Jury will occur to know after the proclamation of the person who gains the aid.
12 The decision of the Jury will be notified the winner between the first fifteen days of April of 2008 by electronic mail and will later publish to the Web of Humoralia and the Fecoll
13 The author of the winning work will have to give original in hand or by mail certified properly protected to the organization of the contest during the first fortnight of May. The direction of the Federation of Gangs of l’Aplec of the Caragol is: Obradors Street, 2. 25002 LLEIDA.
14 The first 50 selected works will be exposed to the seat of the Fecoll, and if it is placed diagonally in other enclosures.
15 The electronic version of works could be visited the virtual gallery that will be published after the vestibule of Humoralia and the Fecoll.
16 The organizers reserve the right to spread and to reproduce the winning work and the other 49 selected without express authorization of the author or author, and without that represents no obligation respect of the artist.
17 The participation in the aid supposes the complete acceptance and without reserve of these bases. Any doubt that can arise will solve the Jury integrated by two members of Humoralia, two of FECOLL and one in representation of the sponsor.

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