

11th Itinerant Humour Festival Topic: Offside - Italy

TOPIC: OFFSIDE (To violence, indifference, discrimination and doping)

Opened to all the professional cartoonists, the works must be accompanied by the author card file (name, address, country, pic or author parody).
Dimension approved: Cm 20 x 30 – Cm 30 x 40
Quantità : Maximum two drawings
1) The authors must indicate back of the drawings if they desire to participate to the competition domain or out of the competition.
2) A jury composed by drawers, journalists and domain authorities will choose the best five drawings present "in competition". Each one of the most voted drawings will receive:
FIRST PRIZE, "Humoris Causa" with Silver plaque
SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH & FIFTH PRIZE, Special Plaque "Humoris Causa" of the International Festival.
The prized work choice will take place after the last day of the "11th International Graphic Itinerant Humour Festival" exhibition, edition 2008.
3) The Festival direction, after the final poll will communicate the result on the Festival Web Site (
4) The cultural association "Lo Scrigno Dell’Arte" and the Festival artistic director will select the drawings for the exhibition. The choosen authors will receive one biennial catalogue at the end of the exhibition
5) Every author is liable of the content of his works, included the copyright of the authors themselves for what concerns texts, titles and images.
6) All the received works will not be returned, and they will become part of the future International Graphic Humour Festival museum.
7) The Festival doesn’t take on accountability for eventual damages during the works expedition.
8) The festival will reserve the right to expose the drawings and to publish them on the catalogue or in articles pertaining to the Festival.
9) The Festival Web Site will inform you of the 11th Itinerant Festival with news and photos at the end of it.
10)The participation at the exhibition involves the integral legal consent of this policy.
Expiry date: FRIDAY 14 MARCH 2008
Exposition inauguration in preview: June 2008
Itinerant exposition: July – December 2008

OFFSIDE / to violence, indifference, discrimination and doping
From the dictionary
Off - side / inglese – fuorigioco / italian / sm. Inv [ sec XX ; fuori + gioco ].
Situation in which the player, in some team games, in the beginning of the offensive action from his own team, is situated after the last man of the other team; goals marked in off side aren’t good, and the irregular position is punished. In football the players that attacks is in off side when he is in the half side of the opponent team field and there’s noone between him and the opponent team golie.
The Cultural Association "Lo Scrigno Dell’arte" (non profit organism) organize the 11th International Graphic Humour Festival.
Why offside? Because thematics like football guised on paper from graphic humourist, creates an event that amuse the whole world spectators. In fact all the drawers present in the press pages of their country publish ideas on the football world as it’s the most popular sport in the world.
“Offside / to violence, indifference, discrimination and doping” is a cultural event on football world also to remember us that when life is in game, we play for life, because football is sport, happiness and desire of living. This proposal done in a critic moment for football, confirms what we’re saying from the beginning, that a football exposition is meeting moment for an healthy sport vision.
Football game is absolutely the national sport all over the world; the only one that join in a common enthusiastic feeling and participation of all the social classes and that can keep awake the attention much before and much later than the hour and a half of the match. The fact that television or the direct vision can communicate the games images, the public excitation is always on a very high level and tension never get down with the game’s end but goes over and involves in the streets also those who didn’t follow the match. It’s a game that, projected besides the official stadiums, daily propose itself in the thousand of football fields quite extemporized in schools, houses gardens or everywhere a kids group meet himself around a balloon.
Registering this phenomenon, with share spirit and with the placid point of view of cultural interest, with the clever curiosity inquiry and the gage thrown during the time by journalist, writers, photographers, sociologists, philosophers, painters and also drawers. This last category, the humoristic worldwide painters, compare themselves in a meeting exposition under the umbrella football.
A tribute to football in a cultural meeting that overpass the simply football language.
Football appassionates, is like a powerful river that can drag with him million of people to ride his wawe, in a climate mostly of party, football is life, most of all for those who live life in a sportily way. Football is love, especially for those who know the passion. Football is health, because sport must be healthy and honest and against every doping. Football is fun for everyone,above all for sceptic and committed persons. Football is also money, a meeting occasion for those who like staying together and they don’t want to stay no more alone.
For this and for all that this sport represent, we couldn’t do without involving the nibbest international pencils, trying to give football with a smile his primary identity: the game.

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