

Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists

The 1st Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists – 2008
Deadline: February, 20 2008
20 honorable mentions will be given in each category

1 – Each participant will be able to submit three works in each category. But only one work will compete in each category. Justification: This procedure is aimed at promoting the exhibition of the best works and not the exhibition of some artists.
2 - This way, we will have the same cartoonist competing in one, two or even in the three categories, but we will not have more than one honorable mention for the same cartoonist in the same category.
3 – There will not be prizes in cash.
4 – All cartoonists that were indicated for the honorable mentions will receive a certificate of honorable mention especially made by “Sorrialengo project”, which is coordinated by the cartoonist Mattias.
5 – All cartoonists that send their works will be automatically selected to compete for the honorable mentions.
6 – Brazilcartoon website will support this event and will build a virtual gallery where the works will be posted according to their categories. The works not mentioned will be exhibited within the year in the column “Rato de Salão”. Justification: This procedure will enable the audience to know the works of all competitors, even those that,because of the decision of the jury, did not win honorable mentions. This way, all cartunistas will have the chance of exhibiting their works.
7 – Works mentioned or awarded in other contests, even virtual ones, will not be accepted.
- Works published in books, catalogues, newspapers, magazines and so on will not be accepted.
8 – The works can be sent by:
E-mail: For those cartoonists that have access to computers. The works must be 200K, JPG, 150 dpi.
Envelope: The works must be 30cm x 22cm, developed under any technique. Send it to:
Projeto SORRIALENGO (Anexo)
Avenida Sta. Cruz, Rua E – Casa 06 – CEP 21010-000
Cavalo-de-Aço, SANTÍSSIMO / Rio de Janeiro – RJ / Brasil
9 – The works can be:
Handmade: ink, watercolor, etc.
Sculpture: wood, paper, etc. (send pictures)
Digital: Done in Corel Draw, Photoshop, etc. In this category, the cartoonist must send a sketch, then the work kalf done. This procedure is also applied to sculptures.
Justification: This procedure will prevent the participation of artists who just change existing pictures and will enable the participation of artists that really know how to use digital technologies.
10 – The works sent by e-mail must be sent up to February 20, 2008 to
11 - Attached to the works, the cartoonist must send: Name, Pseudonym. Address, Category, technique, which exhibition in Brazil the contestant has partipated, if the contestant has already been selected or awarded and his/her opinion about the best and worst exhibition in Brazil. About the dates: the registration can be already done and the deadline is February 20, 2008. After this date, no works will be accepted. Justification: That is a lot of time and there is no justification to wait for anyone.
12 – Up to March 5, 2008, the list with the names of the cartoonists who will be awarded with the honorable mentions will be available on the site. Up to March 10, 2008, the certificates will be sent to their owners and the virtual gallery can be seen at .

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