

Yılmaz Güney Culture & Art Festival - Turkey

A caricature contest is organized along with short film, drama, short story, poetry, music, painting and folkloric dances contests by Yüz Çiçek Açsın Culture Center and Demokratik Gençlik Hareketi (Democratic Youth Movement) in the context of Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival, whose final is to be realized in Istanbul on Sunday 27th of January 2007. No competitive concept as to pass beyond or to go ahead is aimed but a concept to gather differing opinions or art concepts and to share it with people at the contests to be held in the context of the festival. In those days where we cannot tolerate our differing opinions and we perceive them as antagonisme, it is more significant and important to create a collective consciousness standing for goodness and beauty... Therefore our aim is not to have participants in a race and to award them but to promote and contribute to the beauty.
1-The contest is open to everybody without any distinctions.
2-The subject and technique to be submitted to the contest is free. In the context of spiritual form - collectivist, progressionist, critical, realistic and innovative values, which became concrete in the movies of Yılmaz Güney and which are already at the core of the caricature shall be particularly appraised.
3-The caricatures sent must be originals (digital prints are also accepted provided they are signed by hand) and they should not have received any award in any previous contests.
4-The participants are free to send as many works as they prefer.
5-The caricatures to be sent must not exceed A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) format.
6-The name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address and for participants younger than 18 years old the age of the artist must be written at the back of the caricatures.
7-A short autobiography and a photograph must be sent together with the caricatures.
8-Award winning and worth of exhibiting caricatures shall be published in the festival book, which shall be sent to the owner of the work.
9-The exhibition of the contest shall be realized in a place to be announced later.
10-At the end of evaluation 4 caricaturists shall receive a “Honor Plaque of the Festival” and 2 participants younger than 18 years of age a “Promising Young Caricaturist” award plaque.
11-The works must be sent to the address “Yuz Cicek Acsin Kultur Merkezi, Mahmut Sevket Pasa Mh. Mithatpasa Cad. No:3/3 SISLI /ISTANBUL” by hand delivery or by post / cargo and received by Wednesday 26th December, 2007 on evening.
12-The appraisal committee is constituted by the following caricaturists: Askin Ayrancioglu, Erhan Yasar Babalik, Mete Gokturk, Canol Kocagoz, Seyit Saatci and Kamil Yavuz.
13-The caricatures participating in the contest shall be kept in the archive of the organizing institution and may be published on billposters, calendars, booklets, magazines, newspapers, and similar media. In consideration of which, the artist whose work would be published shall receive a free copy of such publication.
14-The caricaturists participating in the contest shall be deemed to have agreed these conditions.
*General information relevant to Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival may be found at
*We thank in advance all of the caricaturists, who will embellish the festival with their works.

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