

Dalibor Pavic exhibition at Cartoon Gallery Osijek

Respected colleagues, faithfull readers...
On the day of October 29, this year in Cartoon Gallery Osijek at 6.00 pm we have opened the exhibition of Croatian artist Dalibor Pavic - Paky. We named the exhibition «Different Face of Cartoon».
PAKY was born on 9th of March, 1973 in Osijek where he finished elementary and high school. Even though from early youth he showed aptitude toward music and art, he deals with it intensively from 1990. He composes and arranges songs.
First independent exhibition he prepared in October 2000 in Osijek where he lives and works. He had 7 independent exhibitions till now. He has partaken in 12 collective exhibitions and 14 art colony. He has illustrated 2 books «Jesus and non-violence» and « Love is still looking for us».
Exhibition was opened by PhD sc. Zlata Zivakovic – Kerze. Extract from the speech:
«Paky have exhibit 10 of his works in oil technic; with white color on black background , or vice versa he distorts reality and accomplishes impression of mockery. In distortion of heads Paky excesses on purpouse and in that way he emphasizes significant attributes of human character – anxiety, anger, passivity... They are individuals, self-sufficient, passive observers on whose faces you can see that they are under burden with every day concerns... they dont smile.»
Paky played his guitar with chello professor Zeljko Strbac. That was the first time that they have seen each other in their life but they created a great atmosphere with their instruments. When we opened the exhibition Paky played one more time his guitar, but this time by himself.
We have enjoyed with baked chestnuts and boiled wine.
We love you and appreciate your effort!
Stela Dusanic

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