

World Press Cartoon Sintra 2008

World Press Cartoon Sintra 2008
a) The World Press Cartoon can be regarded as the benchmark of quality and prestige for all those involved in the world of the humor graphic cartoon in print. It will cover three main areas: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
b) The World Press Cartoon will not be a thematic event. Its objectives will be to distinguish the best-produced and published works in 2007.
c) In the category CARICATURE, only caricature works in a restricted sense will be considered, i.e. exclusively those of a humorous nature.
d) In the category GAG CARTOON will be considered works that do not feature subjects dealing with current issues.
e) In the category EDITORIAL CARTOON all entries must deal with actual contemporary events or personalities.
f) The authors are totally free to submit what they consider to be their best work, although, it is obvious that those characters, themes and events of a more universal nature will be better suited for an international competition as the World Press Cartoon.
The Prize-giving Gala and the Exhibition of the selected works will take place in the Spring of 2008 at the following venues: Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna and Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, both in Sintra.
a) Only the originals of the works will be accepted.
b) Top quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be considered originals as long as the author signs them. These will also require, in attachment, a description of the techniques and software used.
c) The format of the works cannot exceed the European standard measurement A3: 420 x 297 mm.
d) Each cartoonist can submit 1 original for each of the 3 different categories: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
e) It is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility that the original works were published between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2007 in newspapers or magazines, published on a regular basis and on sale to the public.
f) To make proof of the previous condition, each original work must be accompanied with the corresponding printed page, in which the date and the title of the publication must be clearly visible.
g) The author must also attach the header of the newspaper or magazine where the works were published, making sure that both the size and quality will allow for its reproduction.
h) In such cases as the original work supports a title or a caption, a translation in English is obligatory, to be clearly written on the corresponding identification label.
i) The works should be received by the organization's secretariat in Lisbon by Jan. 31, 2008. Secretariat Ana Ferreira.
Original works must be posted in flat packaging, between two hard boards.
Each of the works for submission must carry an entry form and identification label, clearly filled in, and attached to the reverse side of the original.
a) The Jury of five members will be presided by the Salon director.
b) The Jury will convene in order to examine all the entries and then will deliberate and decide on the prizewinners and runners-up. The Jury will also choose which of the original works will go into the exhibition and the catalogue.
c) The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority vote and will be final.
a) The authors may choose to sell their works at the exhibition.
b) If an author wishes to sell his/her work(s), this should be clearly marked on the entry form and identification label, together with the intended price in euros.
c) The organization of the World Press Cartoon will add a gallery's fee to the author's original price.
d) The digital works will not be for sale.
a) All the works, which comply with the eligibility items, will be returned to their authors, independently of having been chosen or not for the exhibition, with the exception of those sold or prizewinners.
b) However, the works chosen for the exhibition could also be selected to participate in other exhibitions and, consequently, returned to their authors at a later stage.
a) All the participants with selected works will receive a copy of the catalogue.
b) The Editors of the newspapers and magazines where the selected works were published will also receive a copy of the catalogue.
a) The submission of a completed entry form and identification label will automatically imply the waiving of the author's royalties vis-a-vis the non-commercial reproduction of his/her work.
b) The awarding of a prize to a specific work will automatically imply the waiving of its author's royalties to the organisation of the World Press Cartoon.
a) The structure of the prizes will be as follows :
---------------------------Grand Prix ---------- 20000 Euro------------------------

--------------- Caricature----------Editorial Cartoon-------------Gag Cartoon

1st Prize-----5000 Euro-------------5000 Euro--------------------5000 Euro

2nd Prize----2500 Euro-------------2500 Euro---------------------2500 Euro

3rd Prize----1000 Euro-------------1000 Euro---------------------1000 Euro

b) Chosen from all the entries in the competition, the World Press Cartoon will award the best work with the Grand Prix of 20 000 euros.
c) The Grand Prix winning work will be chosen from the three first-prise winners in each category.
d) The author of the Grand Prix winning work will receive exclusively this prize, i.e. it will not be added to the first prize.
e) The value of the prizes refer to gross amounts only and, consequently, will be liable to conform to Portuguese law.
f) In accordance with the quality of the works for evaluation, the members of the Jury reserve the right to award or not all the prizes.
g) All the prizes will be authenticated with a diploma and the winners will receive a trophy.
h) Commemorative diplomas will also be issued to the newspapers and magazines that published the prizewinning works.
i) The prizewinning works will become property of the World Press Cartoon organisation.
j) The members of the Jury may also consider awarding additional runners-up status to some works. These will receive a corresponding diploma.
k) All the authors with selected works both in the exhibition as well as in the catalogue will receive certificates of participation in the World Press Cartoon.
WORLD PRESS CARTOON, AP. 1179 EC Picoas 1050-001 Lisboa - Portugal

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