

Supporting Street Children

The First International Cartoonet (by email) Exhibition: Supporting Street Children
The Iranian House of Cartoon invites cartoonists from all over the World to participate in this Exhibition.
1-The contest is open to all cartoonists.
2- Theme:
1-Street Children
2-Child Laborers
3) THE PRIZES: Honorable Mention (50)
4) A maximum of 5 works in each section can be submitted by the participating cartoonists.
5) The dimensions of works should be 1200Pixel Jpg Format (High)
6) Comic strip must be presented in one page and without any words.
7) Only Digital cartoons are accepted works achieved by digital tools will be accepted as originals as long as they are hand signed by the author, accompanied by the digital file of the artwork in Tiff format with 300 Dpi resolution on a CD. No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.
9) Name, surname, address and short bio of the participants should be sent by email.
10) The choice of technique is free, color or B&W and etc.
11) The deadline : 22 Jan. 2008
12) The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them in any from.
13) All participants are considered to accept all the conditions.
14) All works must be sending to the following email address:
Tel: (+98 21) 22868600-22867080
Fax: (+98 21)22846928

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