

2nd Greekartoon Cartoon Contest - Greece

The Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Directorate of Fine Arts) and Greekartoon are organizing the 2nd International Cartoon Contest entitled “Future Children”. It would have been perfect that “Children” to have not only write down the concept, but also to participate to this contest. Anyhow, this job is not a “toy and a children’s fun game”… Therefore, even this job is one of the so many serious jobs that belong exclusively to the “jurisdiction” of the adults. But which “adults” and with what kind of “qualifications” are undertaking such a responsibility against “Children”? Well, the answer to be continued and discovered in the works of the artists that will be sent. In the meantime, even partially and for the sake of the record, let’s comply with our “duty and obligation” towards Children, by stating that:
Children are:
The life source of a society,
Potential agents of the modern and new,
An inexhaustible and unfailing source of feelings and creative renewal,
A “delicate” social group with a sensitive - fragile psychology vulnerable to discrimination and abuse.
Thus, the aim of the Contest is to “Cartoonconstruct” the archetype philosophy, route and life of the planet “Child” to the cosmic cultural universe named Life, to join and mingle to with other planets and galaxies. This Contest is dedicated to all world children as the “Generation Next.”
Contest rules
1. The contest theme is “The Future Children”
2. The contest is open to all cartoonists and illustrators worldwide.
3. Each artist may submit up to three entries. The size of the works should be from 210 x 297 mm (min.) to 297 x 420 mm (max.). Any technique shall be accepted. Works should be submitted unframed and unmounted.
4. Word cartoons will be accepted. In this case, a translation in English must be provided.
5. Previously awarded works will not be accepted.
6. The right to resolving of any arising dispute or conflict of interests or in any other matter deemed appropriately (e.g. regulations compliance, artistic, technical or otherwise), after consultation with the Jury Members, rests with the GREEKARTOON, whose decision is final and uncontestable.
7. Collective work will not be accepted.
8. Entries should be accompanied by a completed entry form, a short biographical note and a photograph of the artist. Name, correspondence address, telephone number and e-mail address of the artist should also be indicated on the reverse side of each entry.
9. Deadline for entries is August 24th, 2007.
10. The International Jury will meet in September 2007 for the selection and award of the works. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested.
11. Prizes:
First Prize: 8.000,00 euros and Trophy
Second Prize: 3.500,00 euros and Trophy
Third Prize: 2.000,00 euros and Trophy
Seven (7) Honorary Mentions
Prize winners will be invited at the award ceremony.
12. All selected works will be displayed in an exhibition and one free copy of the exhibition catalogue will be sent to the artists whose works have been selected.
13. Awarded works will not be returned to the artists.
Non-awarded works will be returned to the artists upon request, not before May 2008.
Click appropriate box: YES NO
Unclaimed or offered works by artists could be used for cartoon art making promotional purposes.
14. The works will be displayed at and may be used for promotional purposes printed or electronically or otherwise and permit third parties to reproduce them for promotional purposes of the exhibition and used without any monetary or otherwise compensation. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions stated herein.
15. The organizers are not responsible in any way whatsoever and cannot also be hold responsible for any liability arising from any damage cause by shipping or handling of the third parties.
16. By filling and signing the entry form, the artist unconditionally agrees with the above-mentioned rules of the contest.
17. The award ceremony will take place in Greece, October 2007.
18. All entries should be sent to:
GREEKARTOON P.O. Box 3953, 102 10 Athens, GREECE

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