

14th International Exhibition of Alcala

The Alcala University General Foundation announce the 14th International Graphic Humour Exhibition of Alcala, related to the subject of Gender Equality, under the following conditions:
1. Participation is open to all professional cartoonists that publish or have published in any national or international media.
2. The work about Gender Equality will be submitted, in order to participate in the exhibition. It may be a cartoon, comic strip, or caricature. The application form below should be filled and sent together with the artwork (also available at The organization reserves the right to invite some authors.
3. The artworks must be original and any technique or support can be used (for those created with computer, the artist has to prove that it is the only technique he usually employs - by signing the artwork, indicating its copy number and the amount created [for example: 2/4, if it is the second of 4 copies] -). The maximum size will be 297 x 420 mm (A3).
4. The works have to be packaged to protect the contents. It is recommended to place the entry between two plain pieces of cardboard. The organization has no liability for any eventual loss or damage during the sending. Participants will be responsible for Packaging and Postage costs.
5. The works must be submitted before July 31st, 2007 at the following address:
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá
XIV Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico.
C/ Imagen, 1-3. 28801 Alcalá de Henares.
Madrid. España.
Respecting the deadline is essential in order to plan the catalogue and design the exhibition.
6. The works selected by the Selection Committee will be displayed at the 14th International Graphic Humour Exhibition of Alcala, and other exhibitions that may be carried out.
7. Submitted works will be part of the Alcala University General Foundation´s graphic humour funds (unless there is an opposite statement, by means of writing the word "Devolución"-Return on the back of the artwork) and may be used in its spaces, publications and in travelling exhibitions.
8. The Alcala University General Foundation has the right to reproduce and circulate the entries, whenever the author's name appears and the main objective is the dissemination of the exhibition, or the participation in other activities of the Alcala University General Foundation in the graphic humour area, is to say, catalogues, posters, the press, web sites, etc., without generating any obligation towards the participating authors.
9. The organization will communicate through its web page or by means of letter the name of the authors whose entry has been received as well as the names of the selected works. Authors may attend exhibition opening and other parallel activities.
Further information on accommodation conditions will be sent to those who request it.
10. Once the exhibition has closed in Alcala, all the authors whose work has been selected will receive a copy of the publication made for the exhibition.
11. The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those artworks considered to be an attempt against individual or collective rights.
12. The participation to the event implies the acceptance of all the above mentioned points.

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