

KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival 2007

Contest: open to all cartoonists
Theme : News
Technique: free
Entries: max. 3 cartoons
The works must be original, including digital artworks if the print are signed by the author, accompanied by the author’s entry-form / biography /. The awarded works in other competitions, photocopies, etc... will not be accepted. /
Size: max. B3 / 50 x 35 cm
Deadline: August 01, 2007 / The postmark will provide the proof /
Grand Prize.........10 000 Euro,
First Prize:............5 000 Euro,
Second Prize:........4 000 Euro,
Third Prize:...........3 000 Euro,
/ Including travel and accommodation expenses in Kosova, during the Awards Ceremony... / and 5 Special Prizes......
The international jury: August 23-25, 2007
Results: September 01, 2007
Exhibition: Museum of Kosova / September 21, 2007 / from 19.00 h
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: The awarded works will become property of the Gallery / KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested, after August 2008. / Artists may also leave the cartoons to the Gallery / KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival. /
All rights reserved : © KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival
/ The organizer holds the rights to publish the cartoons, on media and other publicity materials, such are web-page, catalogues, posters, calendars, cards etc... anything that has to do with animation, affirmation of the Festival... /
KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival P.O.Box. 257, 10000 Prishtina KOSOVA / UNMIK
+377 / 0 / 44 666548

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