
Theme in UMO International Cartoon Contest 2009: Sustainability and Recycling

UMO - 5th International Cartoon Contest 2009, India
Announcement for the UMO - 5th International Cartoon contest, here is the summary, the details follow...
* Open to everybody
* 5 entries per participant
* No entry fee
* Awards worth Rs 60,000/-
* Deadline: September 7th, 2009
The UMO - International Cartoon Contest is held by UsabilityMatters.Org towards the World Usability Day. All the awarded and qualified cartoons will be exhibited.
Participation is open to all cartoonists from every country in the world. There is no Entry fee.
Please go through the rules and regulations - and in particular - the conditions applicable to the intellectual property rights.
Theme for the Competition
So tweet earth - toon tweeting for sustainability
We invite cartoons which humorously communicate the seriousness of the theme, by rethinking sustainability and recycling. Rethink situations, rethink technology, cars, mobile phones, materials, energy resources and everything else we use day in and day out to keep going. Rethink and depict how the usage of new materials that can fully enter a new life cycle by either going back to nature or going back into the design process as a new product affect our world.
Awards and Acknowledgements
A jury will select the top 6 winning entries, the cartoonists will be granted a cash prize award of
* First prize Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand only)
* Two second prizes of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) each and
* Three Third prizes Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) each
* Five Special mention awards.
An exhibition of the winning and shortlisted entries will be held and UMO will publish an online exhaustive works report.
The jury and the judgment criteria
We are in process of putting a jury of well-known professionals and socially active personalities. The names will be announced in due course, depending on confirmation. For Judgment jury will use criteria such as creativity, humor, visual communication, presentation, persuasiveness, originality, cleverness, relevance of content and execution to identify the winner.
Deadline for Submission
Cartoons will be accepted through September 7th, 2009
Rules and Regulations
Entries: up to 5 cartoons per person
Size (snail mail): A4 (210 x 297 mm ) or A3 (297 x 410 mm)
Size (digital): 300 dpi and in dimensions that are suitable for printing.
Technique: free
Entries in hard-copy/paper will not be returned. Entries in digital format may need to be re-posted if the resolution is not found good for printing.
Exhibition and Prize distribution: To be announced
Submitting your entries:
Mail your cartoons keeping the competition name in subject line to toons@usabilitymatters.org .
If you are sending through the snail mail, use the following address:
UMO - 5th International Cartoon Contest-2009
Flat No# 1, 195, Sree Nilayam Apts,
Kavuri Hills, Besides Pranadha Hospitals
Madhapur, Hyderabad-500033, India

ph: +91-9502759650
Please mention a little background information about yourself that may help identify you with your work and the email id that will help us get back to you with any communication.
Intellectual property rights
UMO may, in its sole discretion to use the art-work (images, photograph, written content) for any purpose, change, alter, amend, add to, delete from and otherwise modify, including but not limited to, any and all cuts, edits, rearrangements and other alterations, additions and deletions.
The responsibility for authenticity of all the submitted content, including the art-work and the personal information rests solely with the provider, and UMO will assume no role in case of litigations and copied works. The involved parties shall have to settle the matter themselves, within the conditions the original work was published/released.
We respect your privacy and will not be giving out, or sharing your personal information with any third party, for commercial or non-commercial use.
Source: tabrizcartoons

Winners in "Debut", Zielona Gora 2009 - Poland

Results XI International Cartoon Contest "Debut", Zielona Gora 2009

The jury chaired by Miroslav Bartak (Czech Republic) met on June 27 in Zielona Góra and awarded four major awards to the following artists. Their prize winners are:

Grand Prix - Bretislav Kovarik / Czech Republic
1st Prize - Grzegorz Szumowski / Poland

2nd Prize - Grigori Katz / Israel
2nd Prize - Witold Mysyrowicz / Poland.

Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria)
Zbigniew Jujka (Poland)
Paweł Kuczyński (Poland)
Zbigniew Kołaczek (Poland)
Vladimir Kazanievsky (Ukraine)
Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz (Poland)

Mirosław Hajnos (Poland)
Bartłomiej Belniak (Poland)
Jacek Frąckiewicz (Poland)

Agim Sulaj (Italy).

Małgorzata Tabaka (Poland)
Stanisław Ashmarin (Russia)
Alessandro Gatto (Italy)
Marian Avramescu (Romania)

Fernando Pica (Colombia)

Caferli Seyran (Azerbaijan)

Pol Leurs (Luxemburg)
Ilia Katz (Israel)
Wiesław Lipecki (Poland)
Henryk Cebula (Poland)
Ross Thomson (Great Britain)
Oleksiy Kustovskiy (Ukraine).
Source: http://hajnos.miroslaw.w.interia.pl/


Results the 26th International Humor Exhibition of Piauí

It was placed on Pedro II square, the Teresina cultural core, the International Humor Exhibition of Piauí that received a crowd at the day of closing of its 26th edition. Cinema, theater, music, crafts, plastic arts and, of course, lots of humor designs that covered the square and nearby cultural places with great art and humor. And the public gave their answer with their attending, in each day of the event. But the Salon has reached its end, at least for this edition. However, the last day was one of great celebration. In the midst of a large audience, music and art exhibitions, the chairman of the National Humor Foundation and event organizer, Albert Piauí, led the event closing ceremony and announced the outcome of the Competitive Cartoon Exhibition – Theme: Environment.

The winner of the 26th International Humor Exhibition of Piauí was the Iranian artist Mohammad Ali Khalaji with the cartoon "Trees" (Top above). And, due the high quality of works, the jury decided to give two honorable mentions to the artists Pol Leurs, from Luxembourg, and Mahmood Nazari from Iran.
Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/
WEB: http://www.salaodehumordopiaui.com/

Message Cartoon Festa 2009 with theme: Healthy Aging

Theme: Healthy Aging

[Ageless youth and longevity] was the hope that was not granted of King and nobles in the world. To make the dreams come true, stories were born about how loads of money were poured for the search of magical medicine.
Today, people are able to realize have “long life”, but if questioned about whether they are “happy”, the answer may not always be “yes”. Long lived and happy are unfortunately note always slow and stress free life.
Let’s all laugh off such a stress together!
The reason we decided the theme as “Healthy Aging” is so we hope that young generations can have positive image for the future.
Let’s find energetic and happy elders in the work!
This is to hunt energetic and healthy elders.
Please send messages to Miyagawa Town of elderly with unique character such as ‘xxx-tic old man’, ‘Super-grandfather’, and ‘xxx-tic grandmother’ within the MANGA. One’s who captured the MANGA kingdom’s heart, that character will may be mascot of Hida-city.
MANGA Kingdom Award will be selected by townsman of Miyagawa.
Best work from Junior section will be nominated to the General section.
Section / Applicant qualification
[General Section] Age 16 and over. Professionals, amateurs of all nationalities are acceptable
[Junior Section] Age 15 and under. Professionals, amateurs of all nationalities are acceptable 
Size of the Work
Maximum of A4 size (210 mm by 300 mm) to the minimum of post card size
Style, Materials
As long as it concludes within the maximum paper size, all material and style is acceptable. However, relief and three-dimensional work is unacceptable.
Simultaneous Application
A former work or a work which has already been published should note where and when it was published. Also, if it is applied to other awards at the same time or was awarded, note the name of award and exhibition. If not noted, cancellation of winning prize may occur.
General Section
Grand Prize (1) ...........500,000 Yen
MANGA Kingdom Prize (1)....100,000 Yen
Special Prize (1) .........100,000 Yen
Selected Works (1) .........50,000 Yen
Good Work Prize (10) ...........(gift)
Junior Section (Age 15 and under)
Special Prize (1) ..........30,000 Yen
Selected Works (1) .........10,000 Yen
Application Deadline
Monday July 20, 2009 – postmark effective

Application and Information
Entry via Mail
Please Send to:
Promotion office of Miyagawa, [Message MANGA Festa Office]
50-1 Hayashi, Miyagawa, Hida-city, Gifu-Ken 509-4423, Japan

When making brochures, a photo of the author (or self-portrait) will be printed. Please attach a photo (or self-portrait) with your name written on the back to your work.Now, we will not be returning the photo that has been sent.
Return of Entries
Your entry will be considered as your message to the city of Hida, and therefore it will not be returned. If necessary, please make a copy before you send your work.
Copyright, Property right
The copyright and property right of all works will belong to the city of Hida. The city of Hida reserves the right to display them in printed matter and/or any exhibition by Hida-city.
Display and Storage
All works will be displayed and stored at summit house in Miyagawa town, Hida-city.
WEB: http://www.messagemanga.net/e/index.html
Application Form


SMILEANAPA Cartoon Festival 2009 - Russia

Winners in the 2nd International Olive Cartoon Contest 2009, Kyrenia - Cyprus

2nd International Olive Cartoon Contest - 2009 (Kyrenia-Cyprus)
Final Results

First Prize
Gold Medal + 1.500 Euro
Grzegorz Szumowski (Poland).

Second Prize
Silver Medal + 1.000 Euro
Myung Lae (South Korea).

Third Prize
Bronze Medal + 750 Euro
Valeriu Kurtu (Germany).

Kyrenia Municipality Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Angel Boligan (Mexico).
“Iran Cartoon House” Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria).
“Don Quixhotte” (Germany) Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Pawel Kuczynski (Poland).
“Humorgrafe” (Portugal) Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Elena Ospina (Colombia).
Anatolian Cartoonists Association Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Serpil Kar (Turkey).
Ismet V. Guney Special Prize
Bronze Medal
Onur Olguner (North Cyprus).

Special Prizes:
Bronze Medal

Zhang Bin (China)
Murat Gök (Turkey)
Kürşat Zaman (Turkey)
Murat Sarı (Turkey)
Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey)
Hülya Erşahin (Turkey)
Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)
Andrey Klimov (Russia)
Yuri Manaev (Russia)
Muammer Bilen (Turkey)
Shahram Rezaei (Iran)
Geo Gruia (Romania)
Ruhi Bulduk (Turkey).


Results the "Fair Play" International Cartoon Contest in Odessa, Ukraine

The permanent exhibition of cartoons forwarded to the “Fair Play” International Contest was opened on Friday, June 26, on Primorskiy blvd in Odessa. The exposition is placed in glass windows, round the entrance to the escalator, at the side of Primorskiy blvd.
Initially three money prizes for the winners of the “Fair Play” International Contest were foreseen. However already during working out the totals it was decided to increase the number of rewards, adding another second prize and two more thirds.
Marina Turovskaya (Ukraine) became the victress of the contest. (Top above)

Igor Kondenko (Ukraine) and Milenko Kosanovich (Serbia) took the second place.

Bronze prizewinners are Victor Golub (Ukraine), Paolo Dalponte (Italy), and Cem Koc (Turkey).
Encouraging prizes were reached by Odessites: Victor Dzhevaga - granted by “Alye Parusa” restaurant, Aleksander Barabanschikov - granted by the Worldwide Club of Odessites, Anatoliy Sinishin - granted by the “Knizhkoviy supermarket” network of the Odessa bookstores.
Report: http://viknaodessa.od.ua/?Cartoon_eng
Participants: http://viknaodessa.od.ua/?Cartoon_rus
Gallery: http://viknaodessa.od.ua/gallery/?author=89